FANTASTiC | 17 August 2021 | 690 MB

重要提示:Cool Jazz Collection需要Kontakt 5.8.1或以上的完整版本(也适用于Kontakt 6的完整版本)。如果您只有Kontakt Player,请不要购买此版本。











•抵消/ / re-tongue控制呼吸




















The COOL JAZZ COLLECTION is a specially curated library of 5 instruments designed to embody the cool jazz idiom. With a Miles Davis / Chet Baker style and feel. Perfect for moody, brooding noir style ‘cool’ jazz. A sub-genre that has yet to be properly explored in the sample world, until now. A unique and characterful collection for your tool box.


•Trumpet (Muted & Unmuted)
•Tenor Saxophone
•Upright Bass
•Drums (Brushes & Sticks)
•Performance controlled True Legato
•Velocity controlled Dynamics for seamless and ultra real solo instrument performance
•Offset/breath/re-tongue control
•Instrument mechanics sounds / key sounds etc… for ultra-realism
•2,500 samples
•4GB pre-compression (2GB space required post lossless compression)
•Up to 4 dynamic layers & up to 8 round robins, instrument dependent

Important Note: The Cool Jazz Collection requires the FULL version of Kontakt 5.8.1 or above (also works with the FULL version of Kontakt 6). Do not purchase this if you only have Kontakt Player.

Here’s what people are saying…

•I bought my copy today. I’ve only done a bit of playing around with it but it sounds amazing!
•This is what I’ve been needing!!!
•Great product, great sounds
•Seriously gorgeous tones !!! a really authentic sound behavior! very well captured!
•Sounds Great! Congrats!
•Awesome sounds! I upgraded to the full version of Kontakt mainly because I wanted this library.
•Sounds great! Congrats!
•This is what I’ve been needing!!!
•Great product, great sounds
•Seriously gorgeous tones !!! a really authentic sound behavior! very well captured!

This library taps into an as of yet explored sub-genre within Jazz. The ‘cool jazz’ style. A style made most famous by people like Miles Davis & Chet Baker. With slow brooding melodies, over soft and Smokey accompaniment. With the ‘muted’ trumpet being so synonymous with the style, this instrument really leads the way within this collection. Attempting to embody that classic ultra-specific sound of the style, this library does what no other can.


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