Impact Soundworks Juggernaut Cinematic Electronic Scoring Tools v1.1 KONTAKT | 2.55 Gb
A monstrous instrument for any modern composer on the cutting edge! Juggernaut is a massive electronic sound design tool for drums, impacts, basses, FX and more, all created with modern hybrid scoring in mind. Over 500+ sound sources with two advanced engines powered by Kontakt Player.

Juggernaut is our flagship virtual instrument for electronic sound design, containing percussion, drum kits, impacts, slams, sweeps, textures, reverses, basses, and much more. Much like its little brother, the free Cinematic Synthetic Drums, the library is built from entirely original, synthesized sounds from a huge array of sound sources. We were inspired by the synthetic elements found in many modern film & game scores, trailers, and popular EDM (electronic dance music) genres like dubstep, drumstep, and complextro. With this library, compatible with Kontakt Player, you can instantly produce cutting-edge sounds such using a wide variety of presets or create your own variations from scratch quickly and easily.

Juggernaut consists of three sound sets: drums, FX, and basses, spread across two Kontakt patches and an external set of WAV files. Drums are divided into 8 categories: kicks, snares, thips, crashes, splashes, slams, perc, and tonals, all of which have 10x RR. FX include sweeps, impacts, reverses, textures, risers, and drops, while basses are categorized into Solid, 1shot, Mover, Distortion, and Fuzzy. The Drums & FX patch includes a 32-channel mixer with FX rack, multiple playing and audition modes, and dozens of preset categorized kits. The Bass patch features a synthesizer-style interface with filters, a rhythmic sequencer/gate, larger FX rack, envelopes, and modwheel control.

Crafting the library of Juggernaut was no small task. Together with a team of brilliant sound designers and film, TV & game composers, we crafted over 500 unique sound sources using everything from vintage analog monsters to modular chains, guitar pedals, FM, and wavetable synthesis. NO drum machines were used. The roster of sound designers includes Mick Gordon (Need for Speed, Killer Instinct, Wolfenstein TNO, countless trailers), Jordan Fehr (Hotline Miami, DKC Returns, Supre Meat Boy), Erik Ekholm (Universal, UFC, Top Gear) among others, all of whom contributed their unique voice to the library under lead designer Andrew Aversa.


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