Dark cinematic soundscapes, sound design and sound effects

The Full version of Kontakt 4.2 or higher is required to use the KLI version of this product. This product does not work with the free kontakt player.



Unleash the Dark Side with this massive 9.3 GB collection (4.3 GB of 24-bit/96k WAV files) of Dark Cinematic Soundscapes, Sound Design and Sound Effects. Spark is the perfect choice for Video Games, Film and TV Sound Design, Documentaries, Film Trailers, Commercials and Media Applications of all kinds. Whether your creating an ominous score for a Video Game or needing the perfect dark atmosphere for your upcoming documentary, Spark provides you with everything you need to craft dramatic atmospheres, dark worlds, suspenseful textures and otherworldly hits and impacts.

Spark was recorded and created at 24-bit/96k, ensuring each sample retains its maximum resolution, fidelity and quality. Spark contains Impacts, Loops, Drones, Ambiences, Textures, One-Shots, Surges, Quick Blasts, Long Blasts, Atmospheres, Rushes and so many more. Spark is conveniently organized into “Sound Categories” like Apocalyptic, Futuristic, Punch, Explosion, Pulse, Static, Impact, Spacecraft, Electricity, Machine, Darkness, Intimacy and many others allowing you to create dramatic textures, backgrounds and cues quickly and easily providing you with total creative freedom to tweak to your hearts content!

Harness the creative magic of todays Dark Cinematic Soundscapes, Sound Design and Sound Effects and let Spark inject your tracks with the raw emotional and epic power of today’s hottest Cinematic and Ambient music.



Shout Kontakt patches (Kontakt 4 and Kontakt 5) are part of Big Fish Audio’s KLI Series and includes a custom user interface with various features to help make it easier to customize the include loops and sounds exactly how you want.



KLI Format Version

– 50 Single Instruments

– 242 Sliced Loops

– 292 Total Instruments


Both Formats

Instruments Include:


Sound Design


Sound Effects





Long Blasts


One Shots

Quick Blasts



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