10th January | Logic Pro X | 10 GB

11GB+ 多采样经典
333 种乐器 – 90 年代夜店的声音,直接在您的 DAW 中。迄今为止我们最大的 F9 版本!

这个包是 Origins 系列不妥协包的巅峰之作,是超过 12 个月的硬件采购、声音设计以及仔细的多重采样和手动调整结果的结果。

获得一套真正真实的乐器的唯一方法是回到当时使用的原始硬件。我无法告诉您使用此版本中使用的价值超过 30,000 美元的设备工作是多么愉快。

我在 90 年代初期专业地制作了室内音乐,并且愿意提供一个肢体来轻松访问机器并将这些声音放在一个地方。我现在不能独自留下这些补丁。


我们希望以最鼓舞人心的方式呈现这些声音,因此这个版本附带了 5 个用于 Logic 和 Ableton 的 DAW 演示会话,不仅向您展示了使用这些出色的补丁可以实现什么,而且还为您提供了多组节拍符和励志的起点希望你能重回岁月。前 5 个音频演示作为 DAW 会话包含在此包中。


声源** –

Akai S612 + S950 12 位采样器,S3200XL,Juno 106,Jupiter 8,Jupiter 4,SH101 Alpha Juno 2,Yamaha TX802,TX81Z,DX100,SY55,SY77,SY22,Kurzweil K250,K2000R,Roland JX-1 各种 JV,JD800 , JP8080, MKS70, Korg 各种 M+T 系列, MS-20, Moog Minimoog (再版) Casio CZ101, Waldorf Microwave V1, Q, Sequential Prophet 5 Rev 4, Prophet VS, Ensoniq ESQ-1, SQ80。

舷外机 + 效果器** –

Yamaha SPX 1000、SPX 990、Alesis Quadraverb、Lexicon 300、Neve 1081、Neve 33112、GML 8900、GML 8200、API 512、API 526、SSL X-Rack(多模块)、SSL Fusion、Overstayer Modular Channel、Otto Boum、 Boss 立体声 EQ 踏板,Teac 144 Portastudio。

此版本中的 333 个音色是使用我们广泛的模拟硬件集合精心制作的。我们开发了独特的流程和采样策略,使我们的补丁开箱即用。


11GB+ 多采样乐器,源自经典硬件设备。
333 Live racks / Logic Patches 带宏 / 智能控制
6 组未来复古节拍杆
5 个 DAW 演示项目
10 个启动页面

Logic Pro X 10.2.2 或更高版本(与 10.6.X、Big Sur 和 Apple Silicon 完全兼容)


11GB+ of Multisampled Classics
333 instruments – The sound of 90s clubbing, direct inside your DAW. Our biggest F9 release to date!

To say this release is personal is an understatement. This is my music and always will be and I’m so incredibly proud to bring together so many of the sounds, patches and atmosphere that shaped house music’s origins. 

This pack is the pinnacle of the Origins series of no-compromise packs, and is the result of over 12 months of work sourcing the hardware, designing the sounds and carefully multi-sampling & hand-tweaking the results.

The only way to get a truly authentic set of instruments is to go back to the original hardware in use at the time. I cannot tell you what a joy it has been to work with the $30,000+ of equipment used in this release.

I made house music professionally in the early 90s and would have given a limb to have easy access to the machines and to have these sounds in 1 place. I now can’t leave these patches alone.

They are the sound of my youth and their ( often Low-bit ) sonic signature is engrained on my soul & memories.

We wanted to present these sounds in the most inspirational way possible, so this release comes with 5 DAW demo sessions for Logic and Ableton that not only show you exactly what you can achieve with these stellar patches but also delivers you multiple sets of beat stems and inspirational starting points I hope you will return to for years. The first 5 audio demos are inside this pack as DAW sessions.

Hardware equipment used in this release :

Sound sources ** –

Akai S612 + S950 12 bit Samplers, S3200XL, Juno 106, Jupiter 8, Jupiter 4, SH101 Alpha Juno 2, Yamaha TX802, TX81Z, DX100, SY55, SY77, SY22, Kurzweil K250, K2000R, Roland JX-1 Various JVs, JD800, JP8080, MKS70, Korg Various M+T series, MS-20, Moog Minimoog ( re-issue ) Casio CZ101, Waldorf Microwave V1, Q, Sequential Prophet 5 Rev 4, Prophet VS, Ensoniq ESQ-1, SQ80.

Outboard + Effects** –

Yamaha SPX 1000, SPX 990, Alesis Quadraverb, Lexicon 300, Neve 1081, Neve 33112, GML 8900, GML 8200, API 512, API 526, SSL X-Rack ( multiple modules ), SSL Fusion, Overstayer Modular Channel, Otto Boum, Boss stereo EQ Pedal, Teac 144 Portastudio.

The 333 patches in this release having been lovingly crafted using our extensive collection of analogue hardware. We have developed unique processes and sampling strategies that give our patches the edge straight out of the box.

The details of this release –

11GB+ of Multi-Sampled instruments, Sourced from classic hardware devices.
333 Live racks / Logic Patches with macro / smart controls
6 Sets of future-retro beat stems
5 DAW demo projects
10 Startup Pages

System requirements
Logic Pro X 10.2.2 or Later ( Fully compatible with 10.6.X, Big Sur, and Apple Silicon )

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