Team DECiBEL | 31 Dec 2021 | 4.56GB

日本鼓的力量和存在感,专注于真实性和多功能性。影山太鼓在传统音乐和史诗管弦乐作品中大放异彩,但它同样适用于您的想象力所在的任何地方:流行和摇滚、爵士融合、紧张的下划线,以及您需要富有表现力、细致入微的表演的任何其他地方。打击乐大师 Isaku Kageyama 演奏八种不同的独奏乐器。






Okedo(1.5 和 1.4)



屡获殊荣的表演者、指导员和录音艺术家 Isaku Kageyama 有着传奇的职业生涯。他在卡内基音乐厅等音乐厅、对马之魂等电子游戏原声带以及电视节目、音乐巡演和艺术家驻留活动中都能听到他的声音。我们很荣幸将他精湛的演奏带给世界各地的艺术家和作曲家。

控制台:模块化 FX 机架和混音器
控制台是一个功能齐全的混音器、模块化效果架和踏板,旨在让您完全控制您的混音。效果包括多个均衡器(数字和模拟风格)、压缩器、空间 FX、调制 FX、放大器、失真踏板、混响等。

每个麦克风通​​道最多可加载 8 个 FX,主通道上还有另外 8 个插槽,还支持发送路由。 Kontakt 6 Player 中添加的新“Galois Reverb”听起来很棒,可以替代我们包含的自定义 IR。

– 清晰的 24 位样本
– 三个麦克风位置
– Odaiko、chudaiko、shimedaiko、okedo(1.5 和 1.4 尺尺寸)
– 两个 atarigane (high & low) 和 hyoshigi
– 高达 10 倍动态、10 倍 RR、9 种演奏技巧
– 包括 10 个色调快照

– 鼓舞人心的 3D 建模 UI
– 每鼓音调塑造和调整
– 额外的声音设计控制
– 轻松创建自定义映射
– 带有数十个模块的 CONSOLE FX 机架和混音器

– 需要 KONTAKT 6.6+(完整版,不是播放器)
– 5GB 磁盘空间
– 4GB 内存(推荐 8GB)
– 2013 或更高版本的处理器。您的系统还必须满足 Kontakt 6.6 版的要求。如果您无法运行该版本,您将无法加载此库。


The power and presence of Japanese drums, recorded with a focus on authenticity and versatility. Kageyama Taikos shines in traditional music and epic orchestral works, but it’s equally at home wherever your imagination takes it: pop and rock, jazz fusion, tense underscores, and anywhere else you need expressive, nuanced performance. Featuring master percussionist Isaku Kageyama on eight distinct solo instruments.

Taikos have been an essential part of traditional Japanese music for thousands of years. Their deep, resonant, yet crisp sound is unmistakable, whether played solo or as part of a massive ensemble. In the last century, their prominence has risen far beyond the borders of Japan, appearing in major film & television scores, video game soundtracks, and international events. We wanted to devote a sample library entirely to taiko, with several accompanying percussive instruments, played by a master to open up as many options for inspiration as possible.

We brought these drums out of the more common ensemble or concert hall setting, focusing instead on an intimate studio sound. These detailed, up-close recordings result in a much more versatile sample library, allowing you to use it in any style of music you can imagine. We’ve recorded every drum in this set in great depth, spanning many articulations, dynamics, and variations.

The Instruments
18-inch mid-sized drum; crisp edge, rich resonant center

32-inch large drum; deep, booming sound with a dry edge, rich central wash

“Tightened” drum, higher register to soar over other percussion;

Okedo (1.5 and 1.4)
“Barrel” drum; heavy attack and clear definition

Atarigane (Low and High)
Played with a mallet; clear, metallic sound

Wood blocks; full, resonant sound

About Isaku Kageyama
Award-winning performer, instructor, and recording artist Isaku Kageyama has had a storied career. He’s been heard in concert halls like Carnegie Hall, on video game soundtracks like Ghost of Tsushima, and on TV shows, music tours, and artist residencies. We’re honored to bring his masterful playing to artists and composers around the world.

Console: Modular FX Rack and Mixer
Console is a fully-featured mixer, modular effects rack, and pedal board, designed to give you full control over your mix. Effects include multiple EQs (digital and analog-style), compressors, spatial FX, modulation FX, amps, distortion pedals, reverbs, and more.

Each mic channel can be loaded with up to 8 FX in any order, plus another 8 slots on the master channel, with support for send routing as well. The new “Galois Reverb” added in Kontakt 6 Player sounds fantastic as an alternative to our included custom IRs.

– Crystal-clear 24-bit samples
– Three mic positions
– Odaiko, chudaiko, shimedaiko, okedo (1.5 & 1.4 shaku size)
– Two atarigane (high & low) and hyoshigi
– Up to 10x dynamics, 10x RR, 9 playing techniques
– 10 tonal snapshots included

– Inspiring 3D-modeled UI
– Per-drum tonal shaping and tweaks
– Extra sound design controls
– Easily create custom mappings
– CONSOLE FX rack and mixer with dozens of modules

– KONTAKT 6.6+ (FULL version, not Player) required
– 5GB disk space
– 4GB RAM (8GB recommended)
– 2013 or later processor. Your system must also meet the requirements for version 6.6 of Kontakt. If you cannot run that version, you will not be able to load this library.


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