The Neo-Soul Keys® 3X Library for Kontakt 5 Player is a very specific urban sounding electric piano library that is designed to reproduce the exact sound, feel, and playability of your classic/vintage electric piano with the detail and expressiveness of the Fender® cabinet and, of course, the most beautiful vibrato.

Our #1 goal was to make sure that if you were not able to take your heavy axe to your gig or studio, then this library would be the next best thing. Our EP sound is a combination of samples 8.06GB (4.05GB Compressed), and complex impulse response algorithms that will give you the grit of hip-hop; the silkiness of R&B; and the soul in neo-soul. Our absolute number one goal was realism and with vintage modeled effects, complex impulse response algorithms, advanced FX, and tweak-able knobs for ultimate control, you will have the best EP experience ever produced in a plugin. With all of this, we can safely say that you can leave the heaviness at home and use our library instead. We are extremely picky musicians and we spent out time tweaking this electric piano library to perfection and we know you will enjoy the detail.
Come on man, not another electric piano sound…. When we first embarked on the incredible task of creating another electric piano library, we waited years for the right suitcase to sample. With so many incredible options out there, we narrowed our focus on one main goal and that was REALISM. We wanted to give you the most authentic and organic experience possible. When you bang down on the keys, we wanted you to hear and feel all of the grit, grunge, clank, and thud of a real electromechanical instrument. The second thing we wanted to do was to make sure that the library had BARK. In our opinion, we felt there was still a little room left for another electric piano sound that would offer the extra grit and silkiness at the same time. One thing to note though: Don’t just take the stock sounds alone. There are so many knobs and effects to tweak that you can pretty much create any type of EP sound that you want with our library.
New Version 3X Complete Highlights: Butter/Creamy sound or Mono version for Suitcase Dirty or Clean version for Stage More Dirt to add more of the dirty part of the tine New Key Down samples with more mechanical “clanks” New Key Up Samples with more mechanical noises Dial in more dirty Wurli sound of the distorted speaker Dial in more tube saturation for Wurli and Stage All samples run through tube amps for a more vintage sound
All 3 Versions Necessary for that Signature Sound
When you see the Powered by Kontakt software sticker, then you know that what you are getting is a version that does not require a paid license copy of Kontakt. You can download the FREE Player 5 and run your samples. You can also load the instrument and see the wallpaper and all of it’s corresponding patches. Best of all, you can run your Neo-Soul Keys in standalone mode to be able to play your electric piano live and not need any third party software to host VSTs, such as Mainstage. As a result, you can use our plugin for just about any architecture or DAW that can host VST’s even ProTools.


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