
TRIAZ 是一款具有前瞻性的鼓机,由一个多样化且富有创意的全新现代电子和原声鼓声音、打击乐和声音设计工具库驱动;包含超过 10,000 个样本和 600 多个可立即播放的预设,这些预设使用一系列非凡的鼓机、原声鼓和打击乐器、模块化合成器、发现的声音、工作室工具、拟音等创建。

TRIAZ 提供强大的 3 层鼓引擎,具有引人注目的界面和创造性的用户工作流程。多节奏、有机的鼓音序可让您创造具有真实摇摆和律动的节拍,而不会以相同的方式重复。


TRIAZ 的声音引擎以开创性的新方式将设计精美的电子鼓和原声乐器结合在一起。由生产者为生产者制作的具有深刻细节的爱之劳动。

包含的声音库无疑是我们迄今为止最好的鼓集合,跨越 3 年和数千小时的声音设计;结合现代电子鼓、创意声音设计、Found Sounds & Foley、设计的原声鼓、最稀有的鼓机、最坚韧的模块化合成器、现场打击乐和民族鼓、槌子和棍子、史诗般的电影打击乐等等。

所有鼓均在世界上最受尊敬的录音室录制和设计,仅使用精品高端模拟处理和母带等级转换。最重要的是,您可以将每个声音作为 wav 文件访问,以使用您喜欢的任何方式。与其他乐器不同,专有格式背后没有隐藏任何东西。

TRIAZ 提供您需要的每一个鼓样本。无需订阅。

使用 600 多种精美的、可用于制作的预设将您的鼓提升到一个新的水平,这些预设涵盖所有现代流派 – 由世界一流的声音设计师设计。



TRIAZ 提供您听过的最好的鼓循环(这不是鼓循环!)。不要只相信我们的话,听听左边的音频。所有鼓都直接来自 TRIAZ 的预设库。盒子外面。

使用 TRIAZ 富有表现力的多节奏音序器进行排序、随机化和循环。每个音色都可以用自己的播放速率和步长独立排序;提供轻松创建现代鼓模式所需的所有工具。


重新想象从全长鼓模式、短循环和鼓填充到非传统拍号、复杂的、不断发展的多节奏和令人印象深刻的有机节拍的一切。完成后轻松地在网格上走来走去,并作为 MIDI 导出到您的 DAW。

鼓分层在现代音乐制作中至关重要,而 TRIAZ 使这个过程变得轻松而有趣。直观地将多个鼓与 TRIAZ 无与伦比的分层引擎和 XY Pad 混合在一起,以获得每次听起来都很棒的即时效果。其他鼓软件或硬件中没有过时的体验。

使用基于标签的动态浏览器,轻松浏览并动态加载 TRIAZ 的 10,000 个鼓中的任何一个(或导入您自己的!)到其 12-Voices 或 3-layers 中的任何一个。通过广泛的声音设计参数使事情更进一步;滤波器、包络、反向、LFO、音调控制、调制、FX 等等。每层…

想要将坚韧不拔的原声军鼓与现代堆叠的拍手和力度敏感的乙烯基噪音混合在一起吗?将饱和的 808 sub 与马林巴的瞬态和压碎的原声低音鼓的主体分层如何?或者堆叠 3 个钹以获得巨大的一致声音?一切皆有可能,我们有你!


Imagine having instant access to the greatest library of drums ever created. Being able to intuitively layer sounds in a new, truly unparalleled way. Having a beyond supernatural way of sequencing beats. How about instantly generating new ideas? Or being able to create drums equal to the best records in the world – out of the box.

A Game-Changing New Drum Engine
TRIAZ is a forward-thinking drum machine driven by a diverse and creative library of all-new modern electronic and acoustic drum sounds, percussion, and sound design tools; Comprising over 10,000 samples and 600+ instantly playable presets created using an extraordinary array of drum machines, acoustic drums & percussion, modular synths, found sounds, studio tools, Foley and more.

TRIAZ delivers a powerful 3-Layer Drum Engine with a compelling interface and creative user workflow. Polyrhythmic, organic Drum Sequencing allows you to create beats with real swing and groove that never repeat the same way.

Extensive sound design parameters, linkable or per layer, are both powerful and streamlined for lightning-fast workflow. Tag-based dynamic sample browsing, drag and drop sample import, creative kit randomization and a powerful Effects System provide an unmatched workflow for modern drum production.

Drums, Redefined
TRIAZ’s Sound Engine combines beautifully designed electronic drums and acoustic instruments in a ground-breaking new way. A labour of love with a profound level of detail, made by producers for producers.

The included sound library is undoubtedly our best collection of drums to date, spanning 3 years and thousands of hours of sound design; combining modern electronic drums, creative sound design, Found Sounds & Foley, designed acoustic drums, the rarest drum machines, grittiest modular synths, live percussion & ethnic drums, mallets & sticks, epic cinematic percussion and much more.

All drums were recorded and designed at the most revered recording studios in the world, using only boutique high-end analogue processing and mastering grade conversion. To top it all off you get access to every sound as a wav file to use any way you like. Unlike other instruments nothing is hidden behind proprietary formats.

TRIAZ delivers every drum sample you’ll ever need. No subscription required.

An Instant Cheat Code For Modern Drums
Take your drums to the next level with 600+ beautifully crafted, production-ready presets covering all modern genres – designed by world-class sound designers.

You won’t find typical, stale two-bar sequences here, the focus is evolving, organic production ready beats that instantly spark creativity and fit into any modern record.

Generate infinite ideas instantly. Creative randomization features let you build new drum kits at the click of a button – select a preset and instantly change it into something brand new and immediately usable.

TRIAZ delivers the best drum loops you’ve ever heard (that aren’t drum loops!). Don’t just take our word for it, listen to the audio on the left. ALL drums are directly from TRIAZ’s preset library. Out of the box.

Sequence Like Never Before
Sequence, randomize and loop with TRIAZ’s expressive Polyrhythmic Sequencer. Each Voice can be sequenced independently with its own playback rate and step-length; providing all the tools you need to create modern drum patterns with ease.

Each step goes beyond standard velocity sequencing – including note repeat / stutter, probabilistic chance and start offset. Global randomization can instantly be introduced into the sequencer’s groove to humanize your drums.

Re-imagine everything from full-length drum patterns, short loops and drum fills to non-traditional time signatures, complex, evolving polyrhythms and impressive organic beats. Go off and back on the grid with ease and export as MIDI to your DAW when you’re done.

Next Level Drum Layering
Drum layering is critical in modern music production and TRIAZ makes this process effortless and fun. Intuitively blend multiple drums with TRIAZ’s unparalleled layering engine and XY Pad for instant results that sound sublime, every single time. An experience undated in other drum software or hardware.

Easily browse and dynamically load any of TRIAZ’s 10,000 drums (or import your own!) into any of its 12-Voices or 3-layers using a dynamic tag-based browser. Take things further with extensive sound design parameters; filters, envelopes, reverse, LFOs, tone-shaping controls, modulation, FX and much more. Per Layer…

Want to blend a gritty acoustic snare with a modern stacked clap and velocity sensitive vinyl noise? How about layering a tape saturated 808 sub with the transient of a marimba and the body of a crushed acoustic bass drum? Or stacking 3 cymbals for a huge unison sound? Anything is possible, we’ve got you!

Get Creative
A custom Effects section boasts 5 Insert Effects per Voice, alongside 5 Master Effects, and 3 Send Effects.

Delve into a breathtaking suite of high-end effects and dynamics processors. Add depth to your drums with TRIAZ’s lush sounding dual reverb module – packed with 40 brand new custom high-end impulses from iconic reverb units, alongside lush real-world spaces and acoustic drum rooms.

Twist sounds into oblivion using the analogue-style delay, enhance tone and character with compressors, EQ and transient shaping. Want to dirty things up even more? Try TRIAZ’s unique Shaper section to introduce variable noise (vinyl noise, tape hiss, cassette, and more), tape saturation and more…


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