Team DECiBEL | 19 Dec 2021 | 512.9MB

您的 Hip Hop 和 Funk Beats 鼓手
Rap 和 Hip Hop 的制作人知道,丰满、扎实的节拍对于曲目的成功至关重要。如果没有正确的鼓声和节奏,曲目会听起来很弱,无法与竞争对手抗衡。这就是我们创建虚拟鼓手 PHAT 的原因。这款 Rack Extension 乐器是 A-List Classic Drummer 的光荣继承者,并为 Reason 增添了奇妙的新风味。它为您提供让您的节拍闪耀所需的一切。

尽管其美妙的声音和强大的功能,Virtual Drummer PHAT 有一个简单、直接的用户界面——所有 UJAM Rack Extensions 的商标。这意味着初学者和专业人士都可以立即制作出令人惊叹的鼓音轨。

– 广受欢迎的 A-List 经典鼓手的继任者
– 1380 种鼓模式,您可以混合搭配
– 200 种声音预设,涵盖 60 种音乐风格

Virtual Drummer PHAT Rack Extension 涵盖了从 Retro Soul 到 G-Funk 等各种风格。这款多功能乐器带有 200 种声音预设,涵盖 60 种音乐风格,总共包含 1380 种不同的节奏模式,您可以毫不费力地将它们拼接在一起,完全按照您的需要构建您的音轨。

通过将任何架子鼓与 6 种音色强大的“角色”预设相结合,快速尝试并改变您的声音,从小而深情到宏大和优美。即时变化……没有汗水!

简而言之,Virtual Drummer PHAT Rack Extension 提供了易于制作且难以抗拒的美妙律动。

– 使用套件编辑选项构建您自己的架子鼓
– 具有饱和度和最大化器的新主部分
– 清新的界面,对眼睛和大脑都很友好
– 200 种声音预设,涵盖 60 种音乐风格
– 1380 种不同的鼓模式,您可以轻松混合搭配


Your Drummer for Hip Hop and Funk Beats
Producers of Rap and Hip Hop know that a fat, solid beat is absolutely critical to the success of a track. Without the right drum sounds and rhythms, a track will sound weak and won’t hold up against the competition. That is why we have created our Virtual Drummer PHAT. This Rack Extension instrument is the glorious successor to the A-List Classic Drummer and adds fantastic new flavors to Reason. It gives you everything you need to make your beats shine.

Despite its fantastic sounds and powerful features, Virtual Drummer PHAT has a simple, straightforward user interface-a trademark of all UJAM Rack Extensions. That means beginners and professionals alike can lay down amazing drum tracks in no time.

– Successor of the popular A-List Classic Drummer
– 1380 drumming patterns you can mix and match
– 200 sound presets covering 60 musical styles

Make ’em Say Yeah!
Virtual Drummer PHAT Rack Extension has you covered on styles ranging from Retro Soul to G-Funk and beyond. This versatile instrument comes with 200 sound presets covering 60 musical styles and it contains a total of 1380 different rhythmic patterns that you can effortlessly stitch together to build up your track exactly as you want.

Quickly experiment and change your sounds from small and soulful to huge and anthemic by combining any of the drum kits with the 6 tonally powerful “character” presets. Instant variations… no sweat!

In short, Virtual Drummer PHAT Rack Extension delivers fantastic grooves that are easy to craft and hard to resist.

What you get
– Build your own drum kits with kit editing options
– New Master Section with saturation and maximizer
– Fresh interface that is easy on the eyes and your brain
– 200 sound presets covering 60 musical styles
– 1380 different drumming patterns you can mix and match easily


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