MP4 |视频:h264,1280×720 |音频:AAC,44.1 KHz
语言:英语 |大小:12.4 GB |时长:11h 37m

原始 DJ 蓝图 – 学习如何从零开始 DJ 并播放您喜欢的音乐。

识别不同的舞曲流派以发现您自己的 DJ 音乐风格。
了解有关如何设置 DJ 设备和音响系统的基本步骤。
了解转盘和 CDJ 的工作原理。
了解如何操作基本的 2 通道 DJ 控制器和混音器。
了解如何使用 DJ Tool For Success 计划和执行成功的策略,以获得您的第一个 DJ 预订。
了解如何创建完整且吸引人的 DJ 演示,以向您的朋友、场地和潜在客户展示。
无需之前的 Deejing 经验 – 您将学习入门所需的一切。
一个基本的 2 通道 DJ 控制器(例如 Pioneer DDJ-SB 系列)
你有没有想过成为一名 DJ?您想学习如何开始对拍吗?你有没有想过过着 DJ 的生活会是什么样子?如果您的答案是肯定的,那么这就是适合您的课程!

在了解 deejing 和音乐混音的基础知识时,本课程将为您节省数小时的时间、数天的“错误开始”以及数年的试验、错误和测试。

获得与音乐结构和作曲、节拍匹配、设备设置、音乐选择相关的广泛技术和工具的介绍性知识,并了解如何获得第一个 DJ 预订。

如果您学习并使用本课程中包含的技术,您将学会如何以超乎想象的速度进入 DJ 台。您需要练习和应用在本课程中获得的知识才能实现!


– 获得理论和实践在线讲座的专业结合以及动手体验时间。

– 发现您的 DJ 音乐风格。

– 了解如何在不同环境中设置设备。

– 开始使用 Serato DJ 软件。

– 了解如何开始和组织您的 DJ 音乐库

– 了解如何避免大多数初级 DJ 在使用 Deejing 时犯的错误。

– 学习如何淡入淡出和混合。

– 学习如何 Beatmatch 和应用 FX。

– 了解如何创建您的第一个 DJ 演示

– 获得简单的“家庭作业”,最终使您能够制作和传达有关您的音乐风格和混音的不可抗拒的信息。一旦完成,这些使节拍变得无限容易!






如果您因任何原因对高性能介绍 DJ 课程不满意,那么不用担心。请在 30 天内告诉我,您将获得全额退款保证。这就是我多么有信心,这个 DJ 课程将为您提供所需的确定性,您将立即学习如何成为一名 DJ!


– 您的 DJ 水平是中级到高级,或者如果您定期作为 DJ 表演而获得报酬。

– 你了解卡米洛特和音乐编程。此 DJ 课程仅适用于初学者。

本课程面向希望深入了解一系列工具、方法和策略的初学者,可立即应用到他们的 DJ 或音乐事业中。


MP4 | Video: h264, 1280×720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English | Size: 12.4 GB | Duration: 11h 37m

The Original DJ Blueprint – Learn how to DJ from zero and play the music you love.

What you’ll learn
Identify different dance music genres to discover your own DJ music style.
Learn basic procedures on how to setup DJ equipment and Sound Systems.
Understand how to use both Fade and Beatmatching techniques to mix your songs.
Get an understanding of how turntables and CDJs work.
Easily understand complex topics like Sound Space, Frequencies and Music Structure.
Learn how to operate a basic 2 Channel DJ Controller and a Mixer.
Learn how to plan and execute a successful strategy to get your first DJ booking using the DJ Tool For Success.
Understand how to create a complete and appealing DJ Demo to showcase to your friends, venues, and prospects.
No previous experience in Deejing required – You will learn everything you need to get started.
A laptop with Internet access and a pair of headphones.
A basic 2-Channel DJ Controller (e.g Pioneer DDJ-SB Series)
Have you ever wanted to become a DJ? Do you want to learn how to start beatmatching? Have you ever wondered how would be like living a DJ life?. If your answer is Yes, then this is the right course for you!

This course will save you HOURS of time, DAYS of “false starts”, and YEARS of trial, error, and testing when it comes to understanding the basics of deejing and music mixing.

Receive an introductory knowledge of a broad range of techniques and tools related to music structure and composition, beatmatching, equipment setup, music selection and discover how you may be able to get your first DJ booking.

If you learn and use the techniques included in this course, you will learn how to be in the DJ booth faster than you ever imagined possible. You will need to practice and apply the knowledge gained during this course to make it happen!

During the course you will

– Get a professional combination of theoretical and practical online lectures with hands-on experience time.

– Discover your DJ Music Style.

– Understand how to setup equipment in different environments.

– Get started with Serato DJ software.

– Learn how to get started and organize your DJ Music Library

– Learn how to avoid mistakes that most beginner DJs make when it comes to Deejing.

– Learn how to Fade and Blend.

– Learn how to Beatmatch and apply FX.

– Learn how to create your first DJ Demo

– Get simple “homework assignments” that will finally empower you to craft and convey an irresistible message about your music style and mixes. These make beatmatching INFINITELY easier once it’s done!

Are you ready for the challenge?.

Click on the Enroll button now and get started today!

Thank you so much!

See you in the course and GOOD BEATS!


If you are not satisfied for any reason at all with the High Performance Intro DJ Course, then no worries. Just let me know within 30 days, you have a Full Money Back guarantee. That’s how confident I am that this DJ Course is going to give you the certainty you need that you will be learning how to become a DJ in no time!

*Please DO NOT enroll in this course if

-Your DJ level is intermediate to advanced, or if you are getting paid to perform as a DJ on a regular basis.

-You understand Camelot and Music Programming. This DJ Course is only for beginners.

Who this course is for
The course is for complete beginners who would like to dive deep in a series of tools, recipes and strategies to be applied instantly in their DJ or music career.


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