Team DECiBEL | 29 Dec 2021 | 5.97GB

Alessandro Silveri,更广为人知的名字是 SLVR(发音为“silver”),是一位 24 岁的制作人,总部位于意大利莱科。尽管年事已高,但 SLVR 已经因其多才多艺而闻名,他的作品广泛地介于 Bass-House、House 和 UK Garage 之间。

他用一个词来定义他对这些流派的结合:“Booshi”。它不仅是不同音乐流派的统一体,更是一种心境和存在方式,代表着具有“地下”性质的高品质产品。他的舞台表现力和才华使他与几位电子音乐巨头一起出现在舞台上,其中包括 Skrillex、Martin Garrix、Marshmello、Nicky Romero、Crookers 等等。

在将近三个半小时的时间里,您将与 SLVR 一起骑行,因为他会从头开始创作出强烈的、适合俱乐部的曲调。您将学习如何组合律动、编程低音和合成器线路以相互播放、开发紧张而激动人心的故障,以及如何与 DJ 就绪的大师一起微调您的曲目。这是一个独一无二的艺术家的独一无二的课程。


Alessandro Silveri, better known as SLVR (pronounced “silver”), is a 24-year-old producer based in Lecco, Italy. Despite his age, SLVR has already become known for his versatility, with his productions ranging vastly between Bass-House, House and UK Garage.

He defines his union of these genres with one word: “Booshi”. It stands not only as a unifier of different music genres, but also as a mood and a way of being, representing a high-quality product with an “underground” nature. His electric stage presence and talent have led him to appear on stage next to several giants of electronic music, from the likes of Skrillex, Martin Garrix, Marshmello, Nicky Romero, Crookers and many more.

Over nearly three and a half hours, you’ll get to ride alongside SLVR as he produces an intense, club-ready tune from scratch. You’ll learn how to assemble a groove, program bass and synth lines to play off of one another, develop tense and exciting breakdowns, and fine tune your track with a DJ-ready master. This is a one-of-a-kind course from a one-of-a-kind artist.

Thanks to the awesome ChrisBeatz for the supply!


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