Team DECiBEL | 29 Dec 2021 | 2.82GB

在我们的“The Sound Of…”系列的独家条目中,Helsloot 为您制作强大的旋律技术和情感前卫房子所需的技术创建了一个综合指南。

在 131 分钟和 11 章的过程中,Helsloot 涵盖了您需要了解的所有内容,从制作节拍、贝斯线和旋律,到合成器、编曲和混音。这是对他整个制作过程的深入了解,他解构了他最近的单曲“When We Meet Again”,并将教给您帮助您改变声音的基本技能,包括:

– 如何写出令人惊叹的旋律技术和进步的房子
– 如何分层声音以创建更完整和更完整的作品
– 如何利用 MIDI 发挥创意并创作出非常规的旋律
– 如何掌握 Xfer 的 Cthulhu 和 Arturia 的 Mini V3 等插件
– 如何通过让您的 DAW 和插件为您工作来改进您的工作流程技术

每月有 120 万的 Spotify 听众,总部位于阿姆斯特丹的制作人 Thomas Helsloot 通过 Get Physical、Domino、This Never Happened 和 Astralwerks 等唱片公司的发行,以及最著名的“因为你让我感动’ – 他在 Armada 上与 Tinlicker 的改变游戏规则的合作。

2. 当我们再次相遇
3. 制作节拍
4. 主旋律
5. 创建底线
6. 合成器和旋律
7. 营造氛围
8. 曲目安排
9. 添加你自己的声音
10. 简短编辑的快捷方式
11. 最终混音和母带


In this exclusive entry in our ‘The Sound Of…’ series, Helsloot has created a comprehensive guide to the techniques you need to make powerful melodic techno and emotive progressive house.

Over the course of 131 minutes and 11 chapters, Helsloot covers everything you need to know from making beats, basslines and melodies, to synths, arrangement and mixdowns. It is an in-depth look at his entire production process which sees him deconstruct his recent single ‘When We Meet Again’ and will teach you essential skills to help you transform your sound, including:

– How to write breathtaking melodic techno and progressive house
– How to layer sounds to create a fuller and more complete production
– How to be creative with MIDI and write unconventional melodies
– How to master plugins like Xfer’s Cthulhu and Arturia’s Mini V3
– How to improve your workflow technique by making your DAW and plugins work for you

With 1.2 million monthly listeners on Spotify, Amsterdam-based producer Thomas Helsloot is making serious waves on the melodic techno and progressive house scene with releases on labels like Get Physical, Domino, This Never Happened and Astralwerks, and most notably ‘Because You Move Me’ – his game-changing collab with Tinlicker on Armada.

1. Introduction
2. When We Meet Again
3. Making The Beats
4. The Main Melody
5. Creating The Bassline
6. Synths & Melodies
7. Creating Atmosphere
8. Track Arrangement
9. Adding Your Own Vocal
10. Shortcuts For Short Edits
11. Final Mix & Master

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