FANTASTiC | 24 December 2021 | 1.01 GB



在 Warp Academy,帮助您实现激情是我们的最高目标。我们通过将复杂的软件和技能分解成一口大小、易于消化的块来做到这一点。我们打破学习曲线,教授经过验证且可重复的方法,以获得专业质量的结果。



• 在您的生产过程中,您从什么时候开始使用参考?
• 与母带制作相比,您在混音中做了哪些改变?





Are you struggling to get your music to sound on par with your favourite producers? We’ll equip you with the skills, methods, best practices, and insider pro-tips you need to properly analyze music that you admire. Pinpoint EXACTLY where your music is falling short so you can correct the issues quickly and effectively. Finally close the gap between where you are and where you want to be.

Why did we make this reference tracks mixing course? We believe that making music should be enjoyable and EASY; that you should feel empowered to create music you’re truly PROUD OF.

At Warp Academy, it’s our highest aim to help you live your passion. We do that by breaking down complex software and skills into bite sized, easily digested chunks. Hacking the learning curve, we teach proven and repeatable methods to get professional-quality results.

Are you struggling to get your music to sound on par with your favourite producers? If so, you’re not alone. Millions of other musicians are running into the same roadblock. Most producers know that it’s smart to use reference tracks. But how, exactly?

The power of this technique lies deep in the details. We made this course to answer these key questions…

•How do you choose the right reference track?
•How many references should you use?
•How do you analyze them and what do you look for?
•What plugins and tools do you need?
•How do you use reference tracks without over-emulating and copying them?
•What do you do if your song is super different from your reference?
•At what point in your production process do you start using a reference?
•What changes do you make in your mix down vs. during mastering?

Our goal for you with this course is to have you feeling confident and capable when engineering music. To know what the right decisions are and how to solve common problems that stop other producers from achieving the sound they want.

Our team has been creating music for decades. With all that combined experience, we put our heads together to create the ultimate course to get you on the fast track to making exceptional music. Rather than going through years of trial and error, doing it the slow way, we built this course so you can stand on our shoulders and accelerate your progress, learning from our experience.

We’ll equip you with the skills, methods, best practices, and insider pro-tips you need to properly analyze music from your favourite producers. More importantly, we’ll show you EXACTLY where your music is falling short so you can correct the issues quickly and effectively. No more shooting in the dark, “hoping” your music sounds good, or sending it to friends to get their opinions. You’ll KNOW it’s on point.

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