FANTASTiC | 13 November 2021 | 3.26 GB Warp Academy Sound Design With Ableton Live Instruments TUTORiAL-FANTASTiC

成为拥有 Ableton Live Suite 中所有关键乐器的向导。在这些强大的声音设计武器中获得专家、深入的培训!所有制作人都可以掌握触手可及的工具的必备课程。充分发挥 Ableton Live 的强大功能,为您的音乐创造尖端、出色的声音。


不要误会我们的意思:我们喜欢使用 3rd-party 插件——其中很多都很棒而且很有趣。但它们并不总是像他们的营销希望你相信的那样必要。了解如何使用您所获得的东西更为重要。

您的讲师 Ian Gallagher(Ableton 认证培训师)展示了如何仅使用 Ableton 乐器制作专业音乐。有了正确的技能,这是完全可能的。当您释放 Live’s Instruments 的强大功能时,独特而糟糕的声音就在您的指尖。

今年存点钱不是很好吗?跟随 Ian (DJ IBG) 创作一首 Future Bass 歌曲并揭示 Ableton 内置乐器的隐藏力量。如果您想突飞猛进地提高您的生产技能,那么这门课程绝对是明智之举!

我们不想花费宝贵的资源购买和学习新插件,而是希望让您能够从现有工具中获得更多收益。您可以使用 Ableton Live 和 Suite 中包含的乐器探索整个世界的可能性,但只有极少数制作人意识到他们的潜力。

我们相信您应该能够充分利用 Ableton Live 的全部功能,这正是促使我们提供深入、全面的声音设计疯狂之旅的原因!加入我们,学习如何掌握您的工具。

•Ableton 认证级别的技术在真实歌曲中展示
• 模拟、碰撞、鼓架、电动、操作器、波表、Simpler 和采样器的深入课程
•如何使用采样器:Simpler + Sampler 中高级的基础知识
•如何使用合成器:减法、加法、FM、波表和 Karplus Strong

•123 节深度视频课程
•所有课程均由 Ableton 认证培训师 Ian Gallagher 教授
•课程中制作的歌曲的 Ableton Live 项目文件,以便您可以逐步学习(使用 Ableton Suite 10 或 11)


Become a wizard with all the key instruments included in Ableton Live Suite. Get expert, in depth training in these powerful sound design weapons! An essential course for all producers to master the tools you have at your fingertips. Flex the full power of Ableton Live to create cutting-edge, stand-out sounds for your music.

Become a wizard with all the key instruments included in Ableton Live Suite. Get expert, in depth training in these powerful sound design weapons! An essential course for all producers to master the tools you have at your fingertips. Flex the full power of Ableton Live to create cutting-edge, stand-out sounds for your music.

Has a video of your favorite producer using slick plugins ever inspired you? But then you discover that they cost hundreds of dollars a pop? Have you read that to make a particular type of sound, you HAVE to have a specific synth that costs more than your rent?

Don’t get us wrong: we love using 3rd-party plug-ins — a lot of them are fantastic and a lot of fun. But they’re not always as necessary as their marketing wants you to believe. Understanding how to use what you got is far more critical.

Your instructor, Ian Gallagher (Ableton Certified Trainer), shows how to make pro music with only Ableton instruments. With the right skills, it’s totally possible. Unique and badass sounds are at your fingertips when you unlock the power of Live’s Instruments.

Wouldn’t it be nice to save some money this year? Follow along as Ian (DJ IBG) makes a Future Bass song and reveals the hidden powers of Ableton’s built-in Instruments. If you want to improve your production skills by leaps and bounds, this course is a no brainer!

Rather than spending valuable resources buying and learning new plugins, we wanted to equip you to get more out of the tools you already have. There’s an entire WORLD of possibilities you can explore with the instruments included with Ableton Live and Suite, yet only a very few producers ever realize their potential.

We believe that you should be able to harness the full power of Ableton Live and that’s exactly what spurred us on to offer this in-depth, comprehensive journey into sound design madness! Join us and learn how to master your tools.

•How to create professional level sounds for your music: Finally get the quality results you’ve been seeking
•Ableton Certified level techniques demonstrated inside a real song
•Deep dive lessons on Analog, Collision, Drum Racks, Electric, Operator, Wavetable, Simpler, and Sampler
•How to use samplers: Basics to advanced in Simpler + Sampler
•How to use synths: Subtractive, additive, FM, wavetable, & Karplus Strong
•Start to finish workflows – you follow along with the included project file
•Absolutely EVERYTHING you need to create breathtaking, unique sounds that are all YOUR OWN

•123 in-depth video lessons
•Over 7 hours of expert training
•All lessons made by Ableton Certified Trainer, Ian Gallagher
•An Ableton Live project file of the song made in the course so you can follow along step by step (Uses Ableton Suite 10 or 11)
•Custom synth & instrument presets to accompany each featured sound
•High quality vocal & drum samples you can use in your own music



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