Team DECiBEL | 14 Sep 2021 | 1013.1MB

立即了解如何以许多 AnjunaDeep 艺术家的风格制作和声丰富且旋律先进的 Melodic House 曲目。

您的 Bound to Divide 导师 Julian 让您独家了解他的制作过程,分享他的技巧、技巧和项目文件,并指导您从第一次踢球到掌握曲目 – 就像您并排坐在录音室一样。

从在第一个 8 小节循环中产生想法,到完全编排、混合和掌握的曲目。学习写和弦、钩子、贝斯线和时髦的鼓 – 全部在 4 小时内完成。


Julian(Bound to Divide,由Lane 8 提供支持)让您在他制作完整曲目的同时查看他的肩膀。您可以按照自己的步伐跟随他的所有步骤,并通过终身访问随时重新观看所有内容。

– 4 小时 + 完整的开始到完成课程
– 从第一个草图到完成的大师的 25 次深度会议
– 包括 Ableton 项目文件
– 样品
– 预设


Learn how to produce harmonically rich and melodically advanced Melodic House tracks in the style of many AnjunaDeep Artists right now.

Your tutor Julian from Bound to Divide gives you an exclusive look into his production process, shares his tips, tricks and project files and guides you from your first kick to a mastered track – as if you were sitting side by side in the studio.

Course Overview:
Start to Finish
From generating ideas over the first 8 bar loop, to a fully arranged, mixed and mastered track. Learn writing chords, hooks, bass lines and groovy drums – all within 4 hours.

Club ready Quality
After this class you will know which musical elements you need, which frequencies to highlight and which settings to use in order to achieve a professional sounding track in radio or club quality. Time to release some music!

Your Tutor
Julian (Bound to Divide, supported by Lane 8) let’s you look over his shoulder while he produces a complete track. You can follow all his steps in your pace and rewatch everything as often as you want with lifetime access.

What You Get:
– 4h+ Full Start to Finish Course
– 25 in depth sessions from the first sketch to a finished master
– Ableton Project Files included
– Samples
– Presets


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