FANTASTiC | 08 September 2021 | 1.28 GB





如果我能抽出一点时间,我可以向您展示我正在谈论的这些音乐节奏,以帮助您克服beatmaker 的障碍,并为您的音乐中的大量创造力铺平道路!


• 我们一一介绍每一种音乐模式,揭示它们是什么,您应该在音乐中的哪个位置使用它们,以及它们听起来像什么。
• 然后我们使用您之前教过的这些原则创建我们自己的节拍,揭示混合和匹配这些音乐节奏的能力是多么强大。 (此外,制作音乐是多么容易!)




This course will reveal to you some popular musical patterns we producers have available to us.

If you keep getting stuck when trying to make your beats, I’m going to teach you how to beat producers block.

The trick is knowing the different types of patterns available so you can simply mix and match to literally put the pieces of the puzzle together until you have the perfect fit for your song.

I think the biggest hindrance new producers have is just not knowing how to blend their sound selection together, how to play certain instruments, and how to make all their loops sound like an actual song.

If I could have a moment of your time, I can show you these musical rhythms I am talking about to help you overcome beatmaker’s block, and paving the way to tons of creativity in your music!

The course has two sections:

•We go through each musical pattern one by one, revealing what they are, where you should use them in your music, and what they can sound like.
•We then create our own beat using these principals you were previously taught, revealing how powerful being able to mix and match these musical rhythms can be. (Also, how easy it makes making music!)

Are you ready to learn these Musical Rhythms?

Enroll now, and I’ll see you inside!

# GratuiTous


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