Team DECiBEL | 27 Jul 2021 | 2.08GB




第 1 部分:节奏
第 2 部分:全音阶音程
第 3 部分:旋律
第 4 部分:全音阶和声
第 5 部分:有色旋律
第 6 部分:和声

这些课程中的每一个都带有大约 4 小时的培训,以及很多可以练习的东西。当然,您有任何问题都可以随时联系我。

– 为什么我们关心耳朵训练?
– 完美音高的神话
– 相对音高
– “真实音高”
– 使用调音器和节拍器
– 听写练习测验
– 在 4/4、3/4 和 2/4 中标记节奏
– 使用音高
– 添加休息和关系
– 添加第 16 个音符
– 在 3/8、6/8 和 9/8 中标记节奏
– 添加三胞胎
– 很多东西可以练习!
– 还有很多很多!






Are you a music maker, performer, composer, or aspiring songwriter looking to up your game? This is the place to start.

Ear Training and Aural Skills is the practice of learning to play music by ear, learning to notate music by ear, and learning to understand music on a deeper level just by hearing it. In this class we are going to learn techniques for listening, analyzing, and notating music (writing it down) just by listening. Perfect Pitch is not required.

If you don’t know me, I’ve published a lot of music theory classes here. Those classes have been really successful, and the number one request I’ve been getting from students is to make an Ear Training sequence of classes. So here it is! This series will have 6 parts:

Part 1: Rhythms
Part 2: Diatonic Intervals
Part 3: Melodies
Part 4: Diatonic Harmony
Part 5: Chromatic Melodies
Part 6: Chromatic Harmony

Each of these classes comes with about 4 hours of training, and a LOT of things to practice with. And of course, access to me with any questions you have at any time.

Here is a list of some of the topics we will cover:
– Why Do we Care about Ear Training?
– The Myth of Perfect Pitch
– Relative Pitch
– “True Pitch”
– Using a Tuner and Metronome
– Dictation Practice Quizzes
– Notating Rhythms in 4/4, 3/4, and 2/4
– Working with Pitch
– Adding in Rests and Ties
– Adding in 16th Notes
– Notating Rhythms in 3/8, 6/8, and 9/8
– Adding in Triplets
– A whole lot of things to practice with!
– And Much, Much, More!

My Promise to You:
I am a full-time Music composer and Educator. If you have any questions please post them in the class or send me a direct message.

What makes me qualified to teach you?
In addition to being a composer and educator, I also have a Ph.D. in music, I am a university music professor, and have a long list of awards for teaching.

But more importantly: I use this stuff every day. I write music professionally, I am an active guitarist, and I stay on top of all the latest techniques, workflows, and styles. As you will see in this class, I just love this stuff. And I love teaching it.

You will not have another opportunity to learn Ear Training in a more comprehensive way than this.

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