FANTASTiC | 18 June 2021 | 1.08 GB

波表合成是当今用于尖端音乐流派的现代声音的重要组成部分。确保您能够充分发挥 Live 新中流合成器的强大功能。我们的高质量、直截了当的视频将加速您的知识,让您自信地创造您在脑海中听到的声音。

Wavetable 是 Live 中最棒的新旗舰合成器。它代表了 Ableton 的声音设计库向前迈进了一大步,并为您提供了无限的声音可能性。

本课程将带您深入了解 Wavetable,让您扎实掌握基础知识,然后从那里进一步提升!没有遗漏任何功能,因此您会发现成为高级用户所需的所有高级专业提示。

波表合成是当今用于尖端音乐流派的现代声音的重要组成部分。确保您能够充分发挥 Live 新中流合成器的强大功能。我们的高质量、直截了当的视频将加速您的知识,让您自信地创造您在脑海中听到的声音。

在 Ableton 认证培训中心学习,确保您直接从源头获得绝对最好的知识。本课程由 Torsten 创建,他是 Ableton 认证培训师,他是 Wavetable 的大师。查看课程中的一些免费预览视频并立即开始。


Wavetable synthesis is an essential part of today’s modern sounds used in cutting-edge genres of music. Make sure you’re capable of flexing the full power of Live’s new mainstay synth. Our high-quality, straight-to-the-point videos will accelerate your knowledge, allowing you to confidently create the sounds you hear in your head.

Wavetable is the badass new flagship synth in Live. It represents a huge step forwards in Ableton’s sound design arsenal, and gives you an unlimited array of sonic possibilities to wield.

This course will take you on an exhilarating deep dive into Wavetable, equipping you with a solid grasp on the basics, and then amping things up from there! No feature is left out so you’ll discover all the advanced pro-tips you need to become a straight-up power user.

Wavetable synthesis is an essential part of today’s modern sounds used in cutting-edge genres of music. Make sure you’re capable of flexing the full power of Live’s new mainstay synth. Our high-quality, straight-to-the-point videos will accelerate your knowledge, allowing you to confidently create the sounds you hear in your head.

Learning at an Ableton Certified Training Center, ensures you’re getting the absolute best knowledge straight from the source. This course was created by Torsten, an Ableton Certified Trainer who’s a total guru with Wavetable. Check out some of the free preview videos over in the curriculum and get started today.


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