P2P | 23 May 2021 | 1.18 GB

Mike 将向您展示这首歌中的 2 个吉他层。 Guitar 1 是一把紧缩节奏的吉他,演奏激进的强力和弦。 Guitar 2 是一把主音吉他,它在整个过程中挖掘了一些美味的旋律和旋律。演奏这首歌需要放置在第一品上的变调夹。


在接下来的课程中,我们将讨论变调夹的使用、开放和强力和弦、激进的弹奏和教科书般的摇滚主唱方法。我们是 F 大调,有 4/4 拍号,速度为 118 BPM。

要仅用一把吉他演奏这首曲子,只需弹奏吉他 1,然后切换到吉他 2 进行独奏!


Mike will show you the 2 guitar layers in this song. Guitar 1 is a crunch rhythm guitar playing aggressive power chords. Guitar 2 is a lead guitar that digs into some tasty licks and melodies throughout. A capo placed on the first fret is required to play this song.

The tune starts out with a synth playing a sequenced hypnotic part that sets the tone. The guitar doesn’t come in until after the first verse, when it comes blasting into the mix at a full dynamic. The arrangement also features a guitar solo, dramatic interlude, and unique outro that drastically changes the feel and ramps to a climactic ending.

In the following lessons, we’ll talk about the use of a capo, open and power chords, aggressive strumming, and textbook rock lead approaches. We are in the key of F major, with a 4/4 time signature, at a tempo of 118 BPM.

To play this tune with only one guitar, simply play Guitar 1, switching to Guitar 2 for the solos!


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