HiDERA | 18 May 2021 | 3.18 GB

•近5个小时的Pro EDM生产技巧

乌克兰二人半机械人已经回到Producertech.com,分享了他们在Ableton Live中创作Future House&Pop国歌的技术。在这个5小时的教程系列中,他们从一个空项目转到一个已掌握的曲目,准备发送给标签或上传到SoundCloud。

自2014年以来,半机械人一直在专业制作音乐,并在Tiesto和许多其他国际DJ的支持下在Sony和Armada Music等大型唱片公司发行唱片。他们的声音涵盖了许多流行的舞蹈音乐风格,从沉重的Bass House到主流的Pop。

该课程首先使用其Loopmasters样本包中的多个循环来构建节拍。然后,他们添加主和弦钩,并使用Xfer Serum从头开始设计低音线。一旦所有主要元素都安装到位,它们就会用大量旋律伴奏(包括吉他,弦乐,钢琴和各种打击垫)来修饰前奏,断奏和跌落部分。最后,大量的FX和额外的打击乐器被用来添加必要的敷料。

初始安排完成后,二人组开始进行详细混音模块的三部曲,在鼓上工作,放下旋律,然后从前奏和后奏发出声音。技术包括使用EQ和滤波来整形频率,以及添加多频段压缩和饱和度。在提供与iZotope Ozone一起使用的全面掌握模块之前,该课程将通过调整布置以添加填充物和自动化流程来改善流程并保持趣味性而结束。

签署该课程可立即访问5个小时的流式教程,以及从课程下载项目和曲目的链接,以及来自Loopmasters的额外50MB的Future House示例包。在报名参加课程内容示例之前,请先检查免费样本模块,并在下面嵌入的Producertech SoundCloud页面上收听完整的安排。


•Nearly 5 hours of Pro EDM Production Tips
•Completed Future House Track
•Ableton Live Projects from the Course
•50MB Bonus EDM Samples

Ukrainian duo Cyborgs have returned to Producertech.com to share their techniques for creating Future House & Pop anthems, this time in Ableton Live. In this 5-hour tutorial series, they go from an empty project to a mastered track, ready to be sent to a label or uploaded to SoundCloud.

Cyborgs have been producing professionally since 2014 and had releases on huge labels like Sony and Armada Music, with support from Tiesto and many other international DJs. Their sound encompasses many styles of popular dance music, from heavy Bass House to mainstream Pop.

The course begins by constructing beats using a number of loops from one of their Loopmasters sample packs. They then add the main chords hook and design a bassline from the ground up with Xfer Serum. Once all of the main elements are in place, they embellish the intro, break and drop sections with a plethora of melodic accompaniment, including guitar, strings, piano and various pads. Finally, a multitude of FX and additional percussion are used to add the necessary dressing.

After the initial arranging is complete, the duo embark on a trilogy of detailed mixing modules, working on drums, drop melodies and then sounds from the intro and break. Techniques include shaping frequencies with EQ and filtering, and adding multi-band compression and saturation. The course ends by tweaking the arrangement to add fills and automation that improve the flow and keep things interesting, before providing a comprehensive mastering module working with iZotope Ozone.

Signing up to the course grants immediate access to 5 hours of streamed tutorials, as well as links for downloading the project and track from the course plus a bonus 50MB pack of Future House samples from Loopmasters. Check out the free sample module before signing up for an example of the course content and listen to the completed arrangement on the Producertech SoundCloud page embedded below.


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