P2P | 27 September 2019 | 977 MB

朱利安·乔丹(Julian Jordan)提供的全面的未来电子房屋生产者包装(STMPD记录)


2.样本包:此产品的一个重要组成部分,具有3个拍手,5个踢脚,包括来自OLDSKOOL的踢脚(我们目前最喜欢的踢脚之一!),2个小军鼓,2个落刺,4个合成杆射击,朱利安·乔丹(Julian Jordan)的治疗方法有4次低音射击,3次帽子,1次骑行,1次perc,2次撞击,1次小军鼓积累和1次警笛!

3.奖金:6 x血清预设

4.奖励:4 x尖顶预设


–样本操作(朱利安·乔丹(Julian Jordan)的方式!)
–编写和处理朱利安·乔丹(Julian Jordan)风格的线索!

主持人DAW:FL Studio

使用的主要插件:Xfer Serum,Nicky Romero Kick Start,Dada Life Endless Smile,揭示声音尖峰,声音玩具Little Alterboy

作为任何技能水平的制作人,您都可以通过在演播室观看像朱利安·乔丹(Julian Jordan)这样的专业人士来学到很多东西。这是关于观察他在创作过程中的工作方式并了解他的想法。


A comprehensive future electro-house producer pack from Julian Jordan (STMPD records)

The producer pack has multiple components and bonuses:

2. Sample Pack: a huge component of this offering featuring 3 x Claps, 5 x kicks including the kick from OLDSKOOL (one of our favourite kicks of the moment!), 2 x snares, 2 x drop stabs, 4 x synth shots, 4 x bass shots, 3 x hats, 1 x ride, 1 x perc, 2 x impact, 1 x snare buildup and 1 x siren all with the Julian Jordan treatment!

3. BONUS: 6 x Serum Presets

4. BONUS: 4 x Spire Presets

Some highlights from the tutorial:

– A short crash course on buildups and how to really build that tension and energy
– Drop arrangment – CRUCIAL to keep things moving in your track
– Sample manipulation (the Julian Jordan way!)
– Stacking synth samples
– The importance of choosing elements that don’t conflict. The sooner we all realize this, the better!
– Arrange those elements around each other to not conflict, this is where the mastery comes in!
– Writing and processing a lead in the Julian Jordan style!
– Seeing Julian take a simple idea and expand on it quickly!

Host DAW:FL Studio

Main Plugins used:Xfer Serum, Nicky Romero Kick Start, Dada Life Endless Smile, Reveal Sound Spire, Sound Toys Little Alterboy

As a producer at any skill level, you can learn so much by watching a pro like Julian Jordan in the studio. It’s about observing how he works through the creative process and understanding how he thinks.


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