HiDERA | 16 January 2022 | 586 MB

Ambient Trap Vocals 具有催眠的声音、空灵的声乐层和当代的 Trap 歌曲启动器。 高端人声制作符合黑暗主题和实验处理。 一如既往,我们使用高端模拟录音链,然后这一次,我们将表演转换和操纵成独特的切段循环和单镜头,旨在作为新想法的火花或无缝添加色彩、灵魂 ,和性格。

发现在自定义声音设计中加入的完整的大气人声钩子、斩波和环境层,以及一整套旋律堆栈、纹理垫、重新采样的合成器和合成贝司。 非常适合融入深色 RnB 和钻或系入 Ambient Trap、Wave 和未来派贝斯音乐。 深入了解这些全新的原创样本和优质人声。


Ambient Trap Vocals features hypnotic voices, ethereal vocal layers, and contemporary trap songstarters. High-end vocal production meets dark themes and experimental processing. As always, we use a high-end analog recording chain, and then this time around, we transformed and manipulated the performances into unique chopped loops and one-shots, designed to act as a spark for new ideas or to seamlessly add color, soul, and character.

Discover a full collection of atmospheric vocal hooks, chops, and ambient layers dosed in custom sound design, plus a full set of melodic stacks, textured pads, resampled synths, and think synthetic bass. Ideal to layer into dark RnB and Drill or lace into Ambient Trap, Wave, and futuristic bass music. Drift deep into this selection of all-new, original samples, and premium vocals.

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