Team DECiBEL | 15 Jan 2022 | 1.00GB

如果您认为您无法再尝试臭名昭著的 303 声音,那么请再想一想! This Is Acid 不仅是您的普通 Acid House 样本包,而且是一次涵盖各种流派的包罗万象的旅程。该包涵盖了从 Heavy 和 Melodic Techno 一直到 Jackin’ & Tech House 的所有内容。

不仅如此,这个包还包含各种免版税的人声样本,这些样本将激发即时灵感,以及 25 个 Sylenth1 预设。如果您没有 Sylenth1,请不要担心,因为您一定会在我们提供的 5 个原创歌曲启动器构建套件中找到一些有趣的东西。

This Is Acid 带您穿越 Acid 的经典时代,从 1987 年一直追溯到 Reinier Zonneveld 和 Metodi Hristov 等艺术家的现代 Techno 声音。这个样本包拥有一切。

像往常一样,所有旋律文件都是 BPM 和键标记,以便于使用,所有音频文件都使用模拟复古设备处理到绝对最大值。您需要做的就是将这些拖放到您的最新项目中,然后您就可以开始一些酸痛的旅行了。

总文件大小:2.07 GB
MIDI 文件总数:64
10 x 贝司命中
20 个低音循环(干式)
20 个低音循环 (WET)
20 次拍手
20 次踢
20 个圈套
20 x 帽子
25 x Percs
80 x 鼓循环
10 x 大气循环
5 x Downlifters & Downsweeps
10 x 影响和其他 FX
5 x 立管和上扫
40 个 MIDI
25 个预设
5 个歌曲启动器(91 个音频文件)
20 x 合成器命中
20 个合成器循环 (DRY)
20 个合成器循环 (WET)
10 x 人声热门歌曲
30 个人声循环


If you thought you couldn’t experiment with the infamous 303 sound anymore then think again! This Is Acid isn’t just your average Acid House sample pack but is an all-encompassing journey through a variety of genres. The pack covers everything from Heavy and Melodic Techno all the way to Jackin’ & Tech House.

Not only that, this pack features a variety of royalty-free vocal samples that will spark instant inspiration, as well as 25, presets for Sylenth1. If you don’t have Sylenth1 then don’t worry because you’re sure to find something interesting in the 5 original songstarter construction kits we provide.

This Is Acid takes you through the classic eras of Acid, dating all the way back to 1987 right through to the modern Techno sounds from artists like Reinier Zonneveld and Metodi Hristov. This sample pack has it all.

As usual, all the melodic files are BPM and key-labelled for ease of use and all audio files have been processed to the absolute max using analogue vintage gear. All you need to do is drag and drop these into your latest project and you’re ready to go on some acid trips.

Total File Size: 2.07 GB
Total Audio Files: 436
Total MIDI Files: 64
10 x Bass Hits
20 x Bass Loops (DRY)
20 x Bass Loops (WET)
20 x Claps
20 x Kicks
20 x Snares
20 x Hats
25 x Percs
80 x Drum Loops
10 x Atmospheric Loops
5 x Downlifters & Downsweeps
10 x Impacts & Other FX
5 x Risers & Upsweeps
40 x MIDI
25 x Presets
5 x Songstarters (91 x Audio Files)
20 x Synth Hits
20 x Synth Loops (DRY)
20 x Synth Loops (WET)
10 x Vocal Hits
30 x Vocal Loops


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