Team DECiBEL | 15 Jan 2022 | 578.5MB

Cr2 的 Sample Tools 很自豪地展示了另一个包罗万象的 Techno 工具包。该系列包含尖端的、准备就绪的样品,这些样品经过完美处理,可帮助您使您的 techno 作品脱颖而出。此系列中的所有样本都是 100% 免版税的。

此示例包的灵感来自当前的 Techno 巨头,包括 Victor Ruiz、Alan Fitzpatrick、Thomas Schumacher、Wehbba 等艺术家以及 Drumcode、Terminal M、Relif 和 Lenske 等品牌。我们的工程师团队精心制作了每个样品,并通过老式模拟设备(例如 Neumann EQ、Teletronix LA-2A、Big Muff Pi 和更多负载)运行所有样品。

与我们所有的包一样,我们知道您想听什么!因此,在 Neon Techno 中,我们包含了一系列声乐循环、口语短语和声乐单曲!所有旋律文件都是关键文件,并在相关位置标记 BPM,我们的 5 首歌曲入门构建套件包含您立即构建高质量合成器砰砰技术制作所需的一切。


我们是 Cr2 的示例工具,这是… Neon Techno!

总文件大小:1.05 GB 总音频文件:659
19 x 贝司命中
21 个低音循环
35 x 合成器命中
78 个合成器循环
18 次拍手
49 x 帽子
23 次踢
14 x Percs
59 x FX Percs
5 次游乐设施
9 个圈套
167 x 鼓循环
35 x 外汇
5 个 Songstarter(65 个音频文件)
40 x 口语短语
22 个人声循环


Sample Tools by Cr2 are proud to present another all-encompassing Techno toolkit. This collection is packed with cutting edge, rave-ready samples that are perfectly processed to help you make your techno productions stand out from the rest. All samples in this collection are 100% royalty free.

This sample packs takes inspiration from the current titans of Techno, including artists such as Victor Ruiz, Alan Fitzpatrick, Thomas Schumacher, Wehbba as well as labels like Drumcode, Terminal M, Relif and Lenske. Our team of engineers have crafted each sample with care and run everything through vintage analogue gear such as Neumann EQ’s, Teletronix LA-2A, Big Muff Pi and loads more.

As with all of our packs, we know what you want to hear! So in Neon Techno we’ve include a series of vocal loops, spoken phrases and vocal one shots! All melodic files are key and BPM labelled where relevant, and our 5 song starter construction kits contain everything you need to build a high-quality synth-slamming techno production in no time.

If you’re looking to produce music for the darkest corners of the club as well as the mainstage then this is for you.

We are Sample Tools by Cr2 and this is… Neon Techno!

Total File Size: 1.05 GB Total Audio Files: 659
19 x Bass Hits
21 x Bass Loops
35 x Synth Hits
78 x Synth Loops
18 x Claps
49 x Hats
23 x Kicks
14 x Percs
59 x FX Percs
5 x Rides
9 x Snares
167 x Drum Loops
35 x FX
5 x Songstarters (65 Audio Files)
40 x Spoken Phrases
22 x Vocal Loops


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