FANTASTiC | 15 January 2022 | 0.99 GB

试着站稳脚跟,因为一阵雪花般的声音在你周围鞭打和旋转,遮蔽建筑物并遮挡天空。欢迎来到我们最新的声音包版本的疯狂刺耳,旋转的静态 – 噪声纹理样本!

这个 1.43GB、免版税的散射元素声音巨像将喷射的无人机流、丰富的纹理和我们标志性的高耸氛围结合在一起,平衡了平滑、合成的温暖与冰冷的 FX 处理。

从火花、电路弯曲的电子和噼啪作响的颗粒合成到现场录音的丰富氛围和闪烁、时间拉伸的采样,这个 150 个样本的集合汇集了经过我们多样化的定制处理链处理的充满活力的声源的深层调色板。


大多数样本的时间都在 30 秒以上,有些样本的长度接近一分钟,有许多重要的、微妙的变化声音可以融入您自己的环境挂毯、紧张的配乐和水下的 Downtempo DAW 会话。

在崩溃纹理和无限细节噪声的海洋中洗涤您的音乐 – 立即下载静态 – 噪声纹理样本!


•40 个环境样本
•26 个噪音无人机样本
•24 个纹理样本
•22 个噪波纹理样本
•9 SFX 样本(噪音和裂纹)
•样品长度范围从 12 秒 – 58 秒


Try to hold your ground as a blizzard of snowy sound whips and whirls all around you, obscuring buildings and blocking out the sky. Welcome to the frenetic cacophony of our latest sound pack release, the swirling Static – Noise Texture Samples!

This 1.43GB, royalty-free colossus of scattering, elemental sound brings together streams of spraying drones, brimming textures and our signature soaring ambiences, balancing smooth, synthesised warmth with icy FX processing.

From sparking, circuit-bent electronics and crackling granular synthesis to the rich atmospherics of field recordings and shimmering, time-stretched sampling, this collection of 150 samples brings together a deep palette of vibrant sound sources treated with our diverse, custom processing chains.

Taking in both the tonal and atonal, the motionless and the kinetic, the ferocious and the delicate, this ethereal sonic array spans a whole world of frazzle, fizz and fuzz.

With most samples clocking in above the 30 second mark and some reaching almost a minute in length, there’s scores of momentous, subtly shifting sound to work into your own Ambient tapestries, tense soundtracks and subaquatic Downtempo DAW sessions.

Wash your music in an ocean of crashing texture and infinitesimally detailed noise – download Static – Noise Texture Samples today!

Pack Contents

•40 Ambience Samples
•29 Drone Samples
•26 Noise Drone Samples
•24 Texture Samples
•22 Noise Texture Samples
•9 SFX Samples (Noise & Crackle)
•Samples Range From 12s – 58s In Length
•150 Files In Total

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