Team DECiBEL | 12 Jan 2022 | 836.0MB

Trance Euphoria 自豪地发布了“令人振奋的 Trance Gateway 第 3 卷”,其中包含 20 x Trance 构建套件 WAV、MIDI 和 Spire 预设的另一个极好的集合。受到来自世界各地所有顶级 Trance 艺术家和所有顶级 Trance 音乐节的启发,为您的作品带来最优质的工具。这些歌曲启动器为您的下一首曲目提供了一个良好的开端,或者可以成为您现有项目的重要补充,为您的曲目提供另一个方向或维度。

每个套件都有 MIDI、Wav 和 Presets 三个文件夹,Wav 文件夹包含为该套件重新创建您在演示中听到的内容所需的所有 wav 主干,MIDI 文件夹包含该套件的所有旋律 MIDI 文件以更改音符或创建新轨道时发出声音,并且 Preset 文件夹包含与每个套件的 MIDI 文件一起使用的所有 spire 预设,套件还包含该套件的演示混音。

MIDI 和预设的优势
使用 MIDI,您可以拥有最大的灵活性,能够编辑音符、力度等,并分配您自己的声音,这些都可以轻松导入任何 DAW,无论是拖放还是 DAW 中的导入 MIDI 选项。这些 MIDI 也是那些作家的阻塞时刻的重要灵感来源,即使专业人士不时需要动力和灵感,您也可以了解这些 MIDI 是如何构建的,并根据自己的喜好更改/调整 MIDI。使用随附的预设,您可以完全控制并复制您听到的声音以及已为您在每个套件中使用的声音,您可以调整并做您想做的事情来实现您自己的声音。

关于此包中的预设 – 请阅读
此包中的 spire 预设是免费的,可用作每个套件的起点,但可能包含重复或类似的声音,但包含在内是为了代表套件的潜力,如果您不拥有 Spire VST 乐器,请注意提供的 WAV 文件每个套件中都可以使用而不是包含的预设,或者您仍然可以使用您选择的任何虚拟乐器与您自己的预设或购买的预设将 vst 乐器分配给 MIDI 文件并创建自己的声音,无论如何,使用这些套件或其他产品中包含的免版税预设。

20 个令人振奋的 Trance 构建套件(WAV、MIDI 和 Spire 预设)。
所有 WAV 文件 24 位。
每个套件的 MIDI 文件。
每个套件的干湿 Wav 茎。
每个套件的演示混合。 BPM 140 和每个套件文件夹上标记的关键信息。
100% 免版税。

695 x 总文件。
374 x Wav 文件(24 位)。
140 个 MIDI 文件。
181 x Spire 预设。
1.29GB 压缩包。 | 2.20GB 解压。

请使用 Spire 1.1.17 或更高版本。请注意:保持您的软件合法和最新,以避免在加载新预设时出现任何问题。


Trance Euphoria is proud to release ‘Uplifting Trance Gateway Volume 3’ featuring another superb collection of 20 x Trance Construction Kits WAV, MIDI & Spire Presets. Inspired by all the top Trance artists from around the world and all the top Trance festivals bringing you the best quality tools for your productions. These songstarters give you a great start to your next track or could be a great addition to your existing projects to give you another direction or dimension to your tracks.

Each kit has three folders MIDI, Wav & Presets, the Wav folder contains all the wav stems needed to re-create what you hear in the demo for that kit, the MIDI folder contains all the melodic MIDI files for that kit to change notes or sounds when you are creating your new track and the Preset folder contains all the spire presets used with the MIDI files for each kit also the kit contains the demo mixdown of that kit.

Advantages With MIDI & Presets
With MIDI you have the ultimate flexibility being able to edit notes, velocity, etc, and assign your own sound, these are easily imported to any DAW either Drag And Drop or Import MIDI Options in your DAW. These MIDIs are also a great source of inspiration for those writer’s block moments even the pros need motivation and inspiration from time to time, you can also learn how these have been constructed and change/tweak the MIDI to your own taste. With the included presets you have complete control and can replicate the sounds you hear and that have been rendered for you to use in each kit, you can tweak and do what you want to achieve your own sound.

About Presets In This Pack – PLEASE READ
The spire presets in this pack are FREE and are used as a starting point for each kit but may contain duplications or similar sounds but are included to represent the kit’s potential, please also note if you do not own the Spire VST Instrument the supplied WAV files are in each kit to be used instead of the included presets or you can still use any virtual instrument of your choice with your own presets or bought presets to assign the vst instrument to the MIDI files and create your own sound, by all means, use the included presets royalty-free in these kits or other productions.

What’s In The Pack?
20 x Uplifting Trance Construction Kits (WAV, MIDI & Spire Presets).
All WAV Files 24-Bit.
MIDI Files For Each Kit.
Wet & Dry Wav Stems For Each Kit.
Demo Mix Down Of Each Kit. BPM 140 & Key Info Labelled On Each Kit Folder.
Professionally Produced.
100% Royalty-Free.

Product Specifications:
695 x Total Files.
374 x Wav Files (24-Bit).
140 x MIDI Files.
181 x Spire Presets.
1.29GB Zipped. | 2.20GB Unzipped.

Synth Presets Compatibility
Please Use Spire 1.1.17 Or Higher. Please Note: Keep your software legal and up-to-date to avoid any issues when loading your new presets.


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