HiDERA | 4 January 2022 | 720 MB

布鲁克林的 22 岁音乐家 umru 带着 Sound cache 系列的第三部回归。 umru 在 Charli XCX 的 2017 年混音带 Pop 2 中获得了他的第一个制作功劳,并在 18 岁时被 A. G. Cook 招募,共同制作了精彩曲目“I Got It”,从而进入了流行音乐时代精神。这很快让高中和在线音乐圈的 umru 加入了 XCX 的美国和欧洲巡演日期,并与一些最有远见的流行乐队合作。

他在库克的 PC Music 标签上发布的首张 EP“搜索结果”显示了他在将激烈的、躯体化的制作与来自包括劳拉·莱斯(100 名 GEC)和刘易斯·格兰特在内的超流行声乐天才阵容中的令人耳目一新的表演相结合的实力。 umru 的声音缓存样本包已成为现代制作人的必备品。他最近的作品包括为 Dorian Electra、Rebecca Black、Tommy Cash 和 Fraxiom 制作,以及为艺术家 Hayden Dunham 在 MoMA PS1 的表演评分。

虽然 umru 开始于 Soundcloud 的节拍和贝斯音乐场景,在那里他制作专注于声音设计而不是歌曲创作的“制作人音乐”,但他已经确定了制作人的角色。今天,他的大部分作品都集中在与歌手的合作上。

他分享道,“我的包的大部分材料都直接来自我开始的项目——我在写作或制作的过程中做了很多声音设计,而不是坐下来单独制作样本,我认为最终是我已经知道的最好的材料,可以用在歌曲的上下文中。当然,我也有数小时完全随机的刺耳噪音设计,但我什至会尝试将它们塑造成特定的用途,如立管或冲击. 如果这是我觉得有用或激励自己的事情,我想其他人也会如此。”

William Crooks 的演示曲目,下划线,Petal Supply,Fraxiom 和 Kai Whiston


Brooklyn-based 22-year-old musician umru returns with the third installment of the sounds cache series. umru emerged into the pop music zeitgeist with his first production credit on Charli XCX’s 2017 mixtape Pop 2, recruited at 18 by A. G. Cook to co-produce the highlight track “I Got It”. This quickly brought umru from high school and online music circles to joining XCX’s US and EU tour dates and collaborating with some of pop’s most forward-thinking acts.

The release of his debut EP “search result” on Cook’s PC Music label revealed his strength in merging intense, somatosnareal production with earwormesque performances from a lineup of protohyperpopular vocal talent including Laura Les (of 100 gecs) and Lewis Grant. umru’s sound cache sample pack has become a staple among modern producers. His most recent work includes production for Dorian Electra, Rebecca Black, Tommy Cash, and Fraxiom, as well as scoring for artist Hayden Dunham‘s performance at MoMA PS1.

Though umru started out in Soundcloud’s beat and bass music scenes where he was making “producer music” that focused on sound design rather than songwriting, he has settled into the producer role. Today, he focuses most of his releases on collaborations with vocalists.

He shared, “Most of the material for my packs comes straight out of projects I’ve started—I do a lot of sound design in the process of writing or producing rather than sitting down to separately make samples, and I think that ends up being the best material that I already know can be used in the context of a song. Of course, I have hours of totally random harsh noise sound design as well, but I’ll even try to shape those into specific uses like risers or impacts. If it’s something I find useful or inspiring myself I assume others would too.”

Demo track by William Crooks, underscores, Petal Supply, Fraxiom & Kai Whiston


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