Team DECiBEL | 03 Jan 2022 | 517.5MB

Aequor Sound 自豪地推出“Atmosphere Starter Pack”。为什么我们的循环又长又动人,足以激发灵感,而不是烦人!你知道没有钥匙标签的环境包吗?不循环播放音频文件的包?我们希望您在没有这些问题的情况下开始您的赛道。这就是为什么我们的气氛循环听起来尽可能无缝!

并且很可能在此过程中,您将用合成器替换所有这些循环并重做旋律,但我们知道,当已有想法时,使用此包的工作速度会快得多。 Methodub 是来自乌克兰的电子音乐家。他从事各种类型的工作:从配音和环境技术到深沉和旋律前卫的房子。

在他的作品中,Methodub 坚持具有许多纹理的深沉大气声音。他认为自己更像是一个写音乐的声音设计师,而不是一个创造声音设计的音乐家。 Methodub – Incepto、Microbios、Loncor、COOD、Inmost 等标签的艺术家。购买此 100% 免版税产品后,您可以在您的商业作品和项目中自由使用此包中的所有声音。

683Mb 的内容
24 位 44.1kHz WAV
100% 免版税


Aequor Sound is proud to present ‘Atmosphere Starter Pack’. Why our loops are long and moving enough to inspire, not annoying! Do you know ambient packs that are not key labeled? Packs in which audio files are not looped? We want you to start your track without these problems. That’s why our atmosphere loops sound as seamless as possible!

And most likely in the process, you will replace all these loops with synthesizers and redo the melodies, but we know that work with this pack goes much faster when there is already an idea. Methodub is an electronic musician from Ukraine. He works in various genres: from dub & ambient techno to deep & melodic progressive house.

In his production, Methodub adheres to a deep atmospheric sound with lots of textures. He considers himself to be more of a sound designer that writes music than a musician who creates sound design. Methodub – artist of such labels like Incepto, Microbios, Loncor, COOD, Inmost etc. After purchasing this 100% Royalty-Free product, you can freely use all sounds from this pack in your commercial works and projects.

Product Details:
683Mb of Content
24 Bit 44.1kHz WAV
100% Royalty-Free


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