EST Studios are proud to present this amazing collection of Xfer Serum presets produced by The Prototypes, an act who are undoubtedly one of the biggest and most exciting in Drum & Bass today.

This is an amazing opportunity to get their expertly crafted sounds into your productions quickly and easily!

Inspired by some of their biggest tracks such as Oxygen, Pale Blue Dot, Kill The Silence and Reason, this pack includes a wide variety of sounds to level up every aspect of your next DnB floor filler.

Including everything you need to make a pro quality drum & bass track: massive bass sounds, ethereal pads, punchy drums, melodic leads and splashy FX.

In detail, expect to find 90 Xfer Serum presets including bass, lead, FX, pads and drums, 33 custom wavetables and 89 Wav samples with all audio recorded at 24Bit 44.1KHZ.

All elements have been carefully hand processed and balanced to meet the highest quality requirements and are ready out of the box for both arranging and sequencing.

– 90 Xfer Serum presets
– 37 Bass6 Drum
– 15 FX
– 17 Leads
– 7 Pad
– 4 Pluck
– 2 Synth
– 1 Key
– 1 Arp
– 33 custom wavetables

– 89 Wav samples 24Bit 44.1KHZ

Requires Xfer Serum 1.333+


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