Pandorum is a collection of 400 dark cinematic signature presets for Spectrasonics Omnisphere 2.6 synth. You need to have version 2.6 to fully take advantage of the additional layers. This is the biggest Omnisphere set yet to be released on the Luftrum brand, designed and crafted by Stephan Baer and then triple distilled and curated by Luftrum.

Pandorum is a set for the modern composer, containing dark dystopian sci-fi sounds with an industrial menacing and distorted vibe along with lush atmospheric moody pads, dramatic textures, transitions and soundscapes. These sounds are best suited to be used on television and film, in drama and sci-fi and is the perfect fellow traveller to any sci-fi game release.

Influences can be attributed to composers such as Max Richter and Lorne Balfe (Ad Astra), Benjamin Wallfisch and Hans Zimmer (Bladerunner 2049), Jhann Jhannsson (Arrival), Anthony Gonzales and Joseph Trapanese (Oblivion) and has a hint of Lovecraftian atmosphere to it, with its shadowy and gloomy character. Perfect for any underscore situation that requires dark lush atmospheres and pads, pulsing rhythms, strange bowed textures, haunting bells and voices, distorted dystopian sounds, brooding impact hits and percussion, dramatic synth sweeps and transitional effects, sinister soundscapes, textures and noisescapes, inspiring poly synths, deep rumbling basses and dark melancholic keys.

All presets are sorted in official Spectrasonics categories and has a few dB headroom. The modwheel and aftertouch are used for more expression, to make the sounds come alive. There’s a PDF guide included describing how to install the set, it’s an easy 1-click installation. The artwork for the cover is created by concept artist Simone Rizzo and licensed with permission.

Give your eyes and ears a treat with the two vids created for Pandorum: The first is a breathtaking 6-minute audio visual presentation of Pandorum. The second is a thorough 3-hour Pandorum walkthrough, covering all 400 presets in the set! There’s also a playlist further below with many fine audio demos.


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