DEUCES | 18 February 2022 | 6.7 GB

第二个 STMPD RCRDS 制作人包就在这里,这次标签常客贾斯汀·米洛正在分享有关他最大的歌曲之一“追逐阴影”的制作的深入知识。制作人包包含大量他的标志性声音、预设等。在 105 分钟的大师班中,他将带您了解《追影》创作过程的所有步骤,以及他是如何走向最终产品的。如果这还不够,他还在这个惊人的制作人包中分享了 Chasing Shadows 的原始 Logic 项目文件。在不同的 DAW 中工作?不用担心,因为我们还为 Ableton 和 FL Studio 转换了项目文件。*

*包含原始逻辑项目文件。其他项目文件在 Ableton、Logic 和 FL Studio 中进行了模仿,因此您无需拥有任何第三方 VST 即可打开它们。要打开项目文件,您需要每个 DAW 的最新版本(2021 年 4 月)。然后,您可以从样本包中获取样本。

• Justin Mylo 的 105 分钟详细 4K 大师班 – 追逐阴影
• Justin Mylo 的原始项目文件 – 追逐阴影
• 100 多个签名样本(包括 Kicks、Arps、Bass(Loops 和 One-Shots)、Drums(Loops、Fis、Percussion)、FX 和 Ambiance、吉他 Loop、Synth Loops、人声
• 20 多种 Serum、Sylenth、Massive 和 Spire 预设
• 外汇链
• Ableton、Logic X 和 FL Studio 的项目文件*


The second STMPD RCRDS producer pack is here, and this time label frequenter Justin Mylo is sharing in-depth knowledge about the production of one of his biggest songs ‘Chasing Shadows’. The producer pack contains loads of his signature sounds, presets, and more. In the 105 minute masterclass, he takes you through all the steps of the creation process of ‘Chasing Shadows’ and how he works towards the final product. If that wasn’t enough, he also shares the original Logic project file of Chasing Shadows in this amazing producer pack. Working in a different DAW? No worries, as we also have converted project files for both Ableton and FL Studio.*

*The original Logic Project file is included. The other project files are imitated in Ableton, Logic, and FL Studio so you can open them without having to own any third-party VSTs. To open the project file, you require the latest version of each DAW (April 2021). Then you can source the samples from within the sample pack.

• A 105 minute, detailed 4K masterclass of Justin Mylo – Chasing Shadows
• The original project file for Justin Mylo – Chasing Shadows
• 100+ Signature Samples (including Kicks, Arps, Bass (Loops & One-Shots), Drums (Loops, Fills, Percussion), FX & Ambiance, Guitar Loops, Synth Loops, Vocal Chops
• 20+ Pre-sets for Serum, Sylenth, Massive and Spire
• FX Chains
• Project Files for Ableton, Logic X and FL Studio*

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