TRAZOR | Feb 12 2022 | 4.1 GB

Addictive Keys 将世界上最鼓舞人心、最有趣的键盘乐器带入了词曲作者、制作人和音乐制作人的工作室。其独特的声音功能、智能的工作流程、快速的加载时间和出色的音质旨在帮助您保持创意流程并在您处于该区域时创作出色的音乐。

Addictive Keys 附带大量鼓舞人心的预设,整齐排列在 ExploreMaps 中。每个预设甚至都带有以完美光线呈现预设的预览。如果您赶时间,可以按原样使用预设,这样您就不会失去灵感。如果您想设计新的声音,强大的声音引擎可以让您很好地控制每种乐器。您甚至可以混合和匹配麦克风设置!

更改为完整安装程序以解决在内部驱动器上删除声音数据的问题,这是由安装程序中的包 ID 冲突引起的。


The most inspiring keyboards
Addictive Keys brings the world’s most inspiring and interesting keyboard instruments into the studios of songwriters, producers, and music makers. Its unique sonic capabilities, smart workflow, fast load-times, and outstanding sound quality are designed to help you stay in the creative flow and to compose great music while you’re in the zone.

Addictive Keys ships with tons of inspiring presets neatly arranged in ExploreMaps. Each preset even comes with previews that present the preset in the perfect light. If you’re in a hurry, you can use presets as-is so you don’t lose inspiration. If you’re in the mood to design new sounds, the powerful sound engine gives you great control over each instrument. You can even mix and match microphone setups!

Changed to full installer to address the issue of Sound Data being deleted on the internal drive, this was caused by conflicting package ids in the installer.

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