TRAZOR | Dec 20 2021 | 16 GB

一套 28 种软件乐器,涵盖模拟合成器、数字合成器、风琴、原声钢琴、电钢琴和弦乐器 – 重现了有史以来最具标志性的乐器。

它们使用独特的模拟和物理建模技术进行忠实模拟,以获得无与伦比的真实感,并经过增强以允许进行远远超出其祖先的深入声音探索。这些虚拟乐器可以独立使用,也可以在您选择的 DAW 中使用,旨在与您最喜欢的 MIDI 控制器无缝协作。

V Collection 8 为您提供表演、制作和声音设计所需的标志性、专业和鼓舞人心的声音。

• 包括 28 个软件名称:Emulator II V、Vocoder V、Jun-6 V、OB-Xa V、Mellotron V、Synthi V、CZ V、Analog Lab V、Clavinet V、CMI V、DX7 V、Buchla Easel V、Synclavier V, B-3 V, Mini V, Piano V, Stage-73 V, Matrix-12 V, Farfisa V, Solina V, SEM V, Wurli V, Jup-8 V, ARP 2600 V, CS-80 V, Prophet V、VOX Continental V、模块化 V。
• 10000 多种高质量和创新的声音预设。
• Analog Lab V – V Collection 8 的所有预设都可以从一个界面浏览和编辑。
• 所有仪器共享一个用于浏览、编辑(保存、导入、导出…)的通用界面。
• 新的应用内教程可以快速了解乐器。
• 高分辨率图形界面,兼容超大显示器。
• 轻松将 MIDI 映射到任何键盘控制器。
• Arturia 的专有技术 TAE® 和 Phi®,确保每件乐器的声音和行为都与原始乐器完全相同。
• 易于安装和许可证管理器:Arturia 软件中心。


This is V Collection 8
A suite of 28 software instruments spanning analog synths, digital synths, organs, acoustic pianos, electric pianos, and string machines – recreations of the most iconic instruments of all time.

They’re faithfully emulated using exclusive analog and physical modeling technology for unparalleled realism, and enhanced to allow in-depth sound exploration that goes far beyond their ancestors. These virtual instruments can be used standalone or in your DAW of choice, and are designed to work seamlessly with your favorite MIDI controllers.

V Collection 8 gives you the iconic, professional, and inspiring sounds you need for performance, production, and sound design.

Main Features
• Includes 28 software titles: Emulator II V, Vocoder V, Jun-6 V, OB-Xa V, Mellotron V, Synthi V, CZ V, Analog Lab V, Clavinet V, CMI V, DX7 V, Buchla Easel V, Synclavier V, B-3 V, Mini V, Piano V, Stage-73 V, Matrix-12 V, Farfisa V, Solina V, SEM V, Wurli V, Jup-8 V, ARP 2600 V, CS-80 V, Prophet V, VOX Continental V, Modular V.
• More than 10000 high-quality and innovative sound presets.
• Analog Lab V – all presets of the V Collection 8 can be browsed and edited from a single interface.
• All instruments share a common interface for browsing, editing (save, import, export, …).
• New In app tutorials allowing to quickly understand the instruments.
• High resolution graphic interfaces, compatible with very large displays.
• Easy MIDI mapping to any keyboard controller.
• Arturia’s proprietary technologies, TAE® and Phi®, ensure that each instrument sounds and behaves exactly like the original.
• Easy install and license manager: Arturia Software Center.

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