EXS24 | HAlion | KONTAKT – 8,24 GB

Swiss Grand 图书馆拥有由 Hüni & Hübert 于 1860 年建造的不寻常的音乐会三角钢琴。当这家总部位于苏黎世的公司于 1883 年被烧毁时,他们是瑞士最大的钢琴制造商。听这架钢琴,很容易理解为什么:它提供醇厚、温暖而透明的音色,以及独一无二的粗犷低音。

realsamples Swiss Grand Edition Beurmann MULTiFOR​​MAT 屏幕截图 该乐器由 Andreas Beurmann 收藏,保存完好,完全可演奏。它现在首次以采样形式提供,以 437 Hz 的原始调谐呈现(也可以使用 440 Hz 的预设)。

我们为每个音符使用 32 个力度层捕捉声音,以获得富有表现力的动态范围。此外,我们为每个键录制了 8 个键释放声音。除了样本之外,Swiss Grand 图书馆还包含 Andreas Beurmann 用德语撰写的一篇文章,解释了该乐器的背景。

样本库包含超过 3.400 个单一样本。

包含 HAlion®、Kontakt®(需要完整版)和 EXS24® 软件采样器的预设。

录音方面,我们采用了 Wagner™ U47w® 话筒和 Crane Song™ Flamingo® 前置放大器和 Universal Audio™ 2192® 数字转换器。该乐器以 192 kHz/24 位录制,下采样到 44.1 kHz/24 位。


The Swiss Grand library features an unusual concert grand built in 1860 by Hüni & Hübert. When the Zürich-based company burnt down in 1883, they were the largest piano manufacturer in Switzerland. Listening to this piano, it’s easy to hear why: It offers full-bodied, warm yet transparent tone with a raunchy bass in a league of its own.

The instrument was collected by Andreas Beurmann and kept in very good condition, remaining fully playable. It is now available for the first time in sampled form, presented in its original tuning at 437 Hz (presets in 440 Hz are available as well).

We captured the sound with 32 velocity layers per note for an expressive dynamic range. Furthermore, we recorded 8 key release sounds per key. In addition to the samples, the Swiss Grand library contains an essay in German by Andreas Beurmann, explaining the background of the instrument.

The sample library contains over 3.400 single samples.

Presets are included for HAlion®, Kontakt® (full version required) and EXS24® software samplers.

For recording, we employed Wagner™ U47w® microphones with Crane Song™ Flamingo® preamps and Universal Audio™ 2192® digital converters. The instrument was recorded at 192 kHz/24 bits, downsampled to 44,1 kHz/24-bit.

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