Team DECiBEL | 29 Dec 2021 | 5.32GB

Uke 是一种电影尤克里里乐器,专注于有节奏的表演和独特的演奏风格。虽然主要概念化用于下乐谱,但您会发现高度充满活力的有机序列,可以精心制作以适应任何制作。

源自基于实际重复的表演,Uke 具有无与伦比的真实感和流动性。捕捉音符之间的声音细节,并在瞬态峰值之前产生无与伦比的连通性和生命般的能量。


Uke 具有广泛的即兴演奏、颤音和可播放的重复音色 – 这些样本已从真实表演中编辑过,并经过编程以超逼真的连接播放。我们捕捉到了音调和无调的演奏风格。


UI 具有用于声音塑形的双频段 AHDSR 控件、用于实现演奏灵活性的高级控件以及用于制作充满活力的节奏和律动的强大 32 步音序器。 Riffs 补丁具有独特的速度控制,可以将给定表演的速度加倍或减半。

Uke 不是传统的尤克里里虚拟乐器。我们捕捉到了完全独特的演奏风格,包括弹拨、拨片、指锤、刷子、敲击、颤音和泛音。此外,我们还对无调性和打击乐技巧进行了采样。


本产品需要 Kontakt 5.8 Full 或更高版本。乐器需要手动加载或使用 Kontakt 的快速加载功能加载。它不会出现在库选项卡中。


The Uke is a cinematic ukulele instrument with a focus on rhythmic performances and unique playing styles. While primarily conceptualized for use in under score, you’ll discover highly energetic, organic sequences which can be crafted to fit any production.

Sourced from actual repetition based performances, Uke has an unparalleled level of realism and fluidity. Capturing the sonic detail between notes, and before the peak of the transients results in an unmatched connectivity and life like energy.

Uke features a wide range of riffs, tremolos and playable repetition patches – samples that have been edited out of real performances, and programmed to play back with hyper-realistic connectivity. We captured both tonal and atonal playing styles.

We captured an extensive set of playing styles from plucks, picks, and taps to brushes, harmonics and sticks. Most unique styles were sampled both tonally and atonally, all with an emphasis on rhythmic performance. The resulting sounds are unique and well suited to film score.

The UI features dual band AHDSR controls for sound shaping, advanced controls for flexibility in performance and a powerful 32 step sequencer designed to craft energetic rhythms and grooves. Riffs patches have unique speed controls to either double or half the tempo of a given performance.

Texture in motion.
Uke is not a traditional ukulele virtual instrument. We captured entirely unique playing styles including plucks, picks, finger hammers, brushes, taps, tremolos and harmonics. In addition, we sampled atonal and percussive techniques.

The user interface features a powerful sequencer designed to make rhythmic creation easy and inspiring. Also included are modulation controls and advanced settings to customize playback performance.

This product requires Kontakt 5.8 Full or above. The instruments need to be loaded in manually or by using Kontakt’s quick-load feature. It will not appear in the libraries tab.

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