Team DECiBEL | 19 Dec 2021 | 833.1MB

Virtual Bassist ROYAL – 这款手工挑选的老式电贝司是用金钱可以买到的最好的电子设备改装的。采样环节由经验丰富的专业贝斯手录制。 ROYAL 专注于真实感和风格,正是这些放大器和效果带来了不同。 ROYAL 与乐队和编曲合作得很好。从用于民谣的超柔和圆润音色到足以支持一首好摇滚歌曲的边缘和驱动力,ROYAL 是您的全能会话播放器。

– 高端、多功能的电贝司
– 播放器和乐器模式
– 琴颈和琴桥之间的可调拾音器

ROYAL 是全方位的高端会话贝斯手 – 始终准备就绪、可靠且看似毫不费力。 Virtual Bassist ROYAL 适用于最流行的音乐流派。其圆润的电子指弹音色非常适合流行音乐、随时准备摇滚、令人印象深刻的独立音乐和流畅的歌手/词曲作者材料。 ROYAL 是适合所有场合的一流会议工作室伴侣。

Virtual Bassist ROYAL 具有两种控制模式。播放器模式让您轻松访问,只需设置音乐键和输入和弦即可播放,ROYAL 会按照您的指示充当贝斯手,从乐句和发音中为您的贝斯线选择最合适的。为了获得更多控制,乐器模式可让您弹奏键盘或 MIDI 控制器以输入低音线,使用广泛的样本集,包括死音、完整

最后同样重要的是,Virtual Bassist ROYAL 提供强大而简单的声音塑造选项:从各种放大器和效果中进行选择,并调整角色、均衡器和动态以符合您的歌曲风格。

– 独特而专业
– 41 种风格和 450 多个短语
– 从 MIDI 控制器播放贝斯
– 强大而简单的声音塑造选项
– 在琴颈和琴桥之间连续可调的演奏位置
– AI 关节建模


All-Purpose Pop and Rock Bass
Virtual Bassist ROYAL – this hand-selected vintage electric bass was modified with the best electronics money can buy. The sampling sessions were recorded by a professional seasoned bass player. ROYAL focuses on realism and style with exactly the amps and effects that make the difference. ROYAL plays well with bands and arrangements. From a super-soft round tone for ballads to enough edge and drive to support a good rock song, ROYAL is your all-around session player.

– High-end, versatile electric bass
– Player & Instrument mode
– Adjustable pickup between neck & bridge

High-End Professional, Low-End Satisfaction
ROYAL is the all-around high-end session bass player-always ready, reliable and seemingly effortless. Virtual Bassist ROYAL works with most popular music genres. Its rounded electric fingerstyle tones are perfect for pop, ready to rock, impressive on indie and smooth on singer/songwriter material. ROYAL is the A-list session studio companion for all occasions.

Virtual Bassist ROYAL comes with two control modes. Player mode gives you easy access, just set the musical key and input with chords to play and ROYAL acts as a bass player following your instructions, choosing the most appropriate from phrases and articulations for your bassline. For more control, the Instrument mode will let you play the keyboard or a MIDI controller to input basslines, using the extensive sample set, including dead notes, full
stops, and satisfyingly roaring slides.

Last not least, Virtual Bassist ROYAL offers powerful, yet simple sound shaping options: Choose from a variety of amps and effects and tweak the Character, EQ and dynamics to meet your song’s style.

What You Get
– Distinct and professional
– 41 styles and over 450 phrases
– Play the bass from a MIDI controller
– Powerful-yet-simple sound shaping options
– Playing position continuously adjustable between neck and bridge
– AI articulation modeling


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