Team DECiBEL | 19 Dec 2021 | 1.15GB

虚拟贝斯手 ROWDY 是叛逆且充满活力的虚拟贝斯手。 ROWDY 拥有大量咬合声,是挑选过载电贝司音色的专家。这些适合多种风格:从强大的朋克和摇滚到现代金属流派。如果您需要您的贝斯音轨与硬鼓和声音墙竞争,ROWDY 是您的虚拟贝斯手选择。

– 激进的精选电子摇滚贝司
– 播放器和乐器模式
– 可调节的模糊、放大器和驱动

ROWDY 以无忧无虑的理念设计,可帮助您快速实现真实激进的低音线 – 无论您是初学者还是经验丰富的音乐制作专业人士。

Virtual Bassist ROWDY 带有两种控制模式。播放器模式让您轻松访问,只需设置音乐键和输入和弦即可播放,ROWDY 会按照您的指示充当贝斯手,为您的贝斯线选择最合适的乐句和发音。为了获得更多控制,乐器模式可让您使用广泛的样本集,包括死音、句号和令人满意的咆哮幻灯片,弹奏键盘或 MIDI 控制器以输入低音线。

使用 ROWDY 让您的制作独一无二、专业且超逼真。简单而强大,它会超出您的预期。在 DI 信号或 3 个单独的放大器模型之间进行选择,这些放大器模型具有单独的过载和模糊控制。角色旋钮表盘具有有用的 scuzz 声音风味,顶部的樱桃是八度音阶、均衡器和动态部分。

– 强大而简单的声音塑造选项
– 40 种风格和 450 多个短语
– 从 MIDI 控制器播放贝斯
– 可调节的毛茸茸的额外咬合
– AI 关节建模


Rough and Driven Picked Rock Bass
Virtual Bassist ROWDY is the rebellious and high energy virtual bassist. With lots of bite, ROWDY is the specialist for picked overdriven electric bass sounds. These suit a number of styles: From powerful punk and rock to modern metal genres. If you need your bass track to compete with hard drums and a wall of sound, ROWDY is your virtual bass player of choice.

– Aggressive Picked Electric Rock Bass
– Player & Instrument Mode
– Adjustable Fuzz, Amp and Drive

Attitude, Edge and Overdrive
Designed with a frustration-free philosophy, ROWDY helps you to achieve authentic aggressive basslines in a snap – no matter whether you’re a beginner or seasoned music production professional.

Virtual Bassist ROWDY comes with two control modes. Player mode gives you easy access, just set the musical key and input with chords to play and ROWDY acts as a bass player following your instructions, choosing the most appropriate phrases and articulations for your bassline. For more control, the Instrument mode will let you play the keyboard or a MIDI controller to input basslines, using the extensive sample set, including dead notes, full stops, and satisfyingly roaring slides.

Make your production unique, professional and ultra-realistic with ROWDY. Simple yet powerful, it will exceed your expectations. Choose between the DI signal or 3 separate amp models with separate controls for overdrive and fuzz. The character knob dials in useful scuzzy sonic flavors and the cherries on top are the octaver and EQ and dynamics section.

What You Get
– Powerful-yet-simple sound shaping options
– 40 styles and over 450 phrases
– Play the bass from a MIDI controller
– Adjustable Fuzz for that extra bite
– AI articulation modeling


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