Languages: English | File Size: 48.1 MB

Chop Suey 是一款底鼓采样器,具有独特的分层工作流程,可让您创建自己的底鼓,其中包含线性时间序列中的 3 个组件:过渡、主体和尾部。凭借这三个组件的庞大样本库,Chop Suey 提供了几乎无限数量的现代和经典鼓的可能组合 – 轻松、快速和直观。


基于底鼓样本的分层技术基于专业工作室实践,是许多成功制作的基础——借助 Chop Suey,此工作流程现在首次作为专用插件提供。

Chop Suey 提供对强大底鼓关键参数的详细控制。这些参数可以用手术精度包络进行编辑。声音的性质可以大大改变:无论是微妙的还是极端的,一切都在你的手中——创造力没有限制,用杂碎设计的底鼓在俱乐部里听起来不错。

样本导入/导出的直观拖放功能使 Chop Suey 成为一个流畅的样本编辑器,可对您的节拍样本进行完整的视觉和参数控制。凭借丰富的预设库,Chop Suey 为所有电子流派提供了全方位的 fat kick。

窗户:7 – 10
DAW:FL Studio / Cockos Reaper / Ableton Live Suite 等,
支持 VST 3 的工作


Chop Suey is a kick drum sampler with a unique layering workflow that allows you to create your own kick drums with 3 components in a linear time sequence: transition, body and tail. With a huge library of samples of these three components, Chop Suey provides an almost infinite number of possible combinations of modern and classic drums – easily, quickly and intuitively.

Additional Information

The kick drum sample-based layering technique is based on professional studio practice and is the basis for many successful productions – with Chop Suey, this workflow is now available as a dedicated plug-in for the first time.

Chop Suey offers detailed control over the crucial parameters of a powerful kick drum. These parameters can be edited with surgical precision envelopes. The nature of the sound can be greatly modified: whether subtle or extreme, it’s all in your hands – there are no limits to creativity and a kick drum designed with Chop Suey will sound good in the club.

Intuitive drag and drop functionality for sample import/export makes Chop Suey a smooth sample editor for complete visual and parametric control over your beat samples. With an extensive library of presets, Chop Suey offers a full range of fat kicks for all electronic genres.

System requirements
Windows: 7 – 10
DAW: FL Studio / Cockos Reaper / Ableton Live Suite etc.,
supporting work with VST 3

Whats New
Updates: official site does not provide any info about changes in this version



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