File size: 759 MB

Pyramix 是一款数字音频工作站,被世界各地的专业工作室和工程师用于后期制作电视和电影、音乐制作、母带制作以及更多需要先进工具和灵活性以及惊人的声音精度的音频相关行业。古典和原声音乐的首选录音工具、可靠性和高音轨数使其成为现场活动的理想选择。


Pyramix 有多种口味以满足不同的预算和任务。大量插件和工具包优化 Pyramix,为您提供实现最高效率所需的工具。

结合我们的网络音频接口,Pyramix 通过 ANEMAN 音频网络管理器提供最佳音质和对 RAVENNA/AES67 网络的完全控制,这是所有软件包的标准功能。 MassCore 为高级用户结合了巨大的轨道数量和低延迟混音,并为 DSD 文件制作提供了唯一合理的工作流程,从录制到编辑到最终母带。

在您的 VST (VST3) 和 VS3 插件中构建您自己的信号流处理,从单声道到任何多声道处理。将其直接应用到时间线中的剪辑,同时保持编辑/淡入淡出(根据选择)。

它是一个 TAB;它可以在进行其他操作时打开和处理。将配置和设置保存在一个独特的文件中,以便在这个或另一个 Pyramix 11 项目中进行全面调用。


Pyramix is a digital audio workstation used by professional studios and engineers the world over for post-production TV and film, music production, mastering and many more audio-related industries where advanced tools and flexibility, combined with astounding sonic precision are required. The preferred recording tool for classical and acoustic music, reliability and high track counts make it ideal for live events.

High resolution recording up to DSD256
Ultra large track counts
Immersive audio workflows
Advanced editing features
Video in Timeline
Interchange format support

Pyramix comes in many flavours to cater for different budgets and tasks. A huge number of plugins and toolkits optimise Pyramix to provide you with the tools you need for maximum efficiency.

Combined with our Networked Audio Interfaces, Pyramix delivers the optimum sound quality and full control of your RAVENNA/AES67 network with ANEMAN Audio Network Manager, which is a standard feature in all software packs. MassCore combines huge track counts with low-latency mixing for the power user and provides the only sensible workflow for DSD file production, from recording, through editing to the final master.

Construct your own signal flow processing throughout your VST (VST3) and your VS3 plugins, from mono to any multichannel process. Apply it directly to the clip in the timeline while keeping the edits/fades (according to choice).

It is a TAB; it can be opened and processed while doing other operations. Save the configuration and the settings in a unique file for a total recall in this or another Pyramix 11 project.

Whats New
Updates: official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.



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