MP4 / WAV| 5.43 GB

Psychedelic Tips vol.2 包含 10 小时的视频材料,它还附带了一个完整的 Cubase 项目,该项目是专门为此课程制作的曲目。除了视频资料和项目,您还可以下载用于制作此音轨的工作预设、用于底鼓合成的 kick2 预设、低音线预设、低音线波形、用于分层军鼓的音频文件、E-Clips Serum 预设和大多数重要的整个鼓模板,您可以将其用于您的曲目。


课程的第一部分是关于如何制作你的鼓模板。从 Kick 合成和完整处理开始,继续使用 3 种不同的 VSTi(Rapture、Serum 和 Sylenth)进行低音合成和处理


准备好鼓后,课程的第二部分是关于单发声音、合成、Arps 旋律、主音、编曲以及制作 Psytrance 音乐的创意部分的各个方面。您将能够学习各种合成、分层、编写旋律、迷幻序列、额外的律动元素,以及有关 psytrance 轨道所有这些部分的所有可能细节。



我很高兴能够将我的知识传授给所有有兴趣学习如何制作 Psychedelic Trance 音乐的人。


Psychedelic Tips vol.2 contains 10 hrs of video material and it also comes with a Full Cubase project of a track made especially for this course. Besides video material, and the project you will also be able to download working presets used for making this track, kick2 preset for kick synthesis, bass line preset, bassline waveform, audio files for layering the snare, E-Clips Serum presets, and most important whole Drums Template which you can use for your tracks.

In this course, you will be able to see the whole process of making this track from the beginning.

The first section of the course is all about how to make your drum template. Starting with the Kick synthesis and full processing, continuing to the bass synthesis and processing with 3 different VSTi (Rapture, Serum & Sylenth)
After that, you can learn how to layer and make your hi-hats to sound sharp, tight, and to process them with every possible detail. Snare layering and all techniques about making your snare to sound powerful and beautiful.

The end of the first section is about adding sweeps and noises and how you can make them on your own.

After making your drums ready, the second part of the course it is about single shot sounds, synthesis, Arps melodies, leads, arrangement, and all aspects of the creative part of making psytrance music. You will be able to learn all kinds of synthesis, layering, writing melodies, psychedelic sequences, additional groove elements, and every possible detail about all those parts of the psytrance track.

​The third part of the course is about mixing, where you can learn many different techniques for mixing your tracks

And the final fourth section is about mastering your own tracks.

I am more than happy for being able to pass my knowledge to all people who are interested to learn how to make Psychedelic Trance Music.

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