Team DECiBEL | 18 Jan 2022 | 11.20GB

尼基·罗梅罗 (Nicky Romero) 从一个年轻的音乐神童成长为他那个时代最有影响力的艺术家之一。作为一名 DJ、制作人和大亨,其品牌处于现代电子舞曲的前沿,Nicky 是一股不可忽视的力量,这是毋庸置疑的。

从他的标志性热门歌曲“Toulouse”和“I could Be the One”到他在 2019 年与 DallasK & Xylo 合作的最新美国舞蹈电台歌曲“Sometimes”,Nicky 的简历拥有令人印象深刻且冗长的原创唱片、混音、编辑和合作制作,不断证明他有能力适应不断发展的电子音乐领域。

也许更能说明他的行业实力和远见卓识的是他的唱片公司 Protocol Recordings 的成功。近年来,该品牌与 David Guetta、Dimitri Vegas 和 Like Mike 等人合作。


在这个由三部分组成的大师班的第 1 部分中,您将获得 Logic Pro 的完整演练、混音速成课程,甚至是音乐理论的小课。

在 Nicky 大师班的第二部分中,跟随超级制作人对他在第 1 部分中制作的曲目中的一些元素进行改造。以之前与 Armin van Buuren 的合作作为参考,Nicky 将逐步向您展示如何回到制作过程中,建立一个适用于从俱乐部到广播的所有情况的安排。

在大师班的最后一部分,Nicky 将带您了解他的混音和母带制作过程。在向您展示了如何正确地将您的音轨反弹到音频以便在单独的混音会话中使用之后,Nicky 将向您介绍他的混音方法,从鼓处理到最终的自动化调整以及使用主链。

– 这个由 3 部分组成的大师班超过 50 个深入的章节
– 超过 7 小时的大师班内容
– 深入了解 Nicky 的创意和制作技术
– 构建节拍、编写旋律、声音设计和 FX
– 从开始一首歌到混音和母带
– 为初学者和高级制作人创建


Nicky Romero has blossomed from a young musical wunderkind into one of the most influential artists of his time. As a DJ, producer, and mogul whose label is at the forefront of modern electronic dance music, it goes without saying that Nicky is a force to be reckoned with.

From his iconic hits “Toulouse” and “I Could Be the One” to his most recent #1 US Dance Radio track “Sometimes” with DallasK & Xylo in 2019, Nicky’s resumé boasts an impressive and lengthy discography of originals, remixes, edits and co-productions, consistently proving his ability to adapt to the ever-evolving landscape of electronic music.

Perhaps even more telling of his industry prowess and visionary mindset is the success of his label, Protocol Recordings. In recent years, the imprint has delivered collaborations with the likes of David Guetta, Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike, among others.

Rather than take you through one of his already released tracks, Nicky spends the entirety of this course showing you his in-depth creative and technical process as he builds a new song from scratch.

In Part 1 of this three-part masterclass, you’ll get a full walkthrough of Logic Pro, a crash course on mixing, and even a small lesson on music theory.

In the second installment of Nicky’s masterclass, follow the super-producer as he reworks some elements from the track he worked on in Part 1. Using a previous collaboration with Armin van Buuren as a point of reference, Nicky shows you step by step how to go back through a production and build an arrangement that works in all situations from the club to the radio.

In the final section of his masterclass, Nicky takes you through his mixing and mastering process. After showing you how to properly bounce your tracks to audio for use in a separate mixing session, Nicky walks you through his approach to a mixdown, from drum processing to final automation tweaks and working with a master chain.

– More than 50 in-depth chapters in this 3-part masterclass
– Over 7 hours of masterclass content
– Deep-dive into Nicky’s creative & production techniques
– Building beats, writing melodies, sound design & FX
– From starting a song to mixing & mastering
– Created for beginners and advanced producers alike

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