Team DECiBEL | 04 Jan 2022 | 5.70GB




也许您的乐器处于相同的频段或由于混音中缺少立体声场而变得浑浊。本课程将教您正确的 EQ 和声像技术,以提高曲目中旋律元素的清晰度。



在 Will 的帮助下,您将学习 16 个连贯且易于遵循的模块中的所有专业技术。

01. 介绍
介绍 Will – 你的新老师 – 以及本课程的概念。


02. 混音器及其通道
您将获得 FL Studio 混音器的详细概述(知识可以应用于任何 DAW)。


03. 压缩与限制

这不再是问题了! Will 解释了您需要了解的有关(多频段)压缩和限制的所有基础知识,以掌握这些困难的主题。



了解 EQ 过程的基础知识:包括对 Fruity Parametric EQ2 的完整概述、减法 EQ 与加法 EQ 的理论、不同滤波器的好处以及如何操作它们以满足您的需求。



06. 饱和度和失真

Will 解释了饱和度和失真的基本原理,并详细介绍了不同的插件以及何时使用哪种技术来完全升级您的声音!

07. 混响和延迟

了解如何以受控的方式填充您的声音,同时又不影响您的声音!您将详细了解 FL Studio 的混响和延迟插件(知识可以应用于其他插件和其他 DAW)。

08. 平移和立体声


09. 侧链

Will 详细解释了侧链的概念,并向您展示了 FL Studio 中的不同方法,以找出最适合您需求的方法。在本模块中,您将学习如何将底鼓和低音鼓以及其他乐器进行侧链连接。

10. 不同乐器的混合技巧

Will 详细介绍了鼓和打击乐、低音、低音、主音和旋律以及人声和音效。

11. 不同流派的不同技巧
您对 EDM 不感兴趣?没问题!

本课程围绕不同流派(如 Hip Hop、Lo-Fi、Downtempo 等)的不同混音技巧展开。

12. 完成你的混音

通过本课程,您将获得 FL Studio 20 项目文件以及所有未混合的 STEM,以便您可以应用在本课程中学到的技术。 Will 将逐步指导您完成整个过程:看看您已经改进了多少!

13. 掌握你的混音

您已经花了很多时间来创建您的曲目,用效果和技术完成它 – 现在是时候让合适的大师让它大放异彩了。使用提供的未掌握和掌握的曲目逐步完成!

14. 对照参考音轨测试你的混音

15. 5 大混音和母带处理错误

16. 秘密混音和掌握技巧
在这里,Will 将讨论一些进一步的混音和母带制作秘诀,并为您提供一个展望,以进一步推进混音和母带制作!总有成长的空间。

免费有限的奖励声音库! – 鼓英雄第 3 卷
我们广受欢迎的 Drum Hero 系列已经到了第三部分,现在更大更好了,共有 1,528 个单拍和循环,由我们两位最好的声音设计师精心制作。

期待大量分类的军鼓和踢腿、踩镲、骑行和钹、鼓掌和嗵鼓。我们为几乎所有流行的 BPM、急剧变化的放克中断循环、踩镲循环和有节奏的打击乐循环提供了 30 个很棒的干分离鼓循环,以实现快速的工作流程。


所有文件均 100% 免版税,可用于商业项目。该包包含纯 .wav 文件,可用于每个软件。

Will Thoma – 认证音频工程师,Ghosthack 团队的重要成员。他从 14 岁开始制作音乐,从那时起,它完全消耗了他!

在过去的 4 年里,Will 一直是我们的声音设计师、音乐制作人和视频创作者!在此期间,他创作了数百首不同类型的曲目,并花了数千小时制作视频。他还是我们社区许多直播的主持人。

对于 Ghosthack 团队来说,没有更好的老师,这就是为什么我们很高兴地宣布他是我们终极混音和母带课程的主持人!

已有超过 31,400 名制作人在我们的 Youtube 频道上与 Will 一起学习音乐制作。今天就加入他们,了解从初学者到专业人士的混音和母带制作的深度课程,只有 16 个模块!

今天像专业人士一样学习混音和母带 – 对于卧室制作人:不需要花哨的设备!
– 在 16 个易于学习的模块中学习所有专业技术
– 在 6.5 小时的 HQ 视频素材中征服混音和母带制作
– 掌握在任何设备上创作平衡音乐的艺术
– 包括 FL Studio 20 项目和 STEM 以练习您的技能
– 多流派兼容并适用于每个 DAW


In this course we will tackle all the problems during mixing and mastering, you might not know that you are facing.

Picture this, you made an incredible track that you are genuinely proud of. You realised your own unique vision of the song, created sick basslines and thought your tune had a good flow but it doesn’t receive the attention you were hoping for.

Maybe your beat isn’t quite danceable, because the awesome bassline you have designed isn’t side-chained properly and the kick cannot provide the impact your track needs.

Perhaps your instruments are sitting in the same frequency band or getting muddy due to lack of stereo field in your mix. This course will teach you proper EQing and panning techniques to improve the clarity of the melodic elements in your track.

You listen to your track in comparison to others but you find that yours is way quieter and maybe not loud enough to compete with everybody else’s. In the included lessons you will learn how to find the balance between saturation, compression and limiting in order to get a loud mix that isn’t clipping or distorting.

You may be thinking to yourself that you will learn all these things from free tutorials online. But this course will save you the time and effort to search the internet for quality, in-depth explanations that don’t just cover the same boring basics that you already heard of but don’t know how to actually implement in your next song.

With the help of Will you will learn all the pro techniques in 16 coherent and easy-to-follow modules.

Included Lessons
01. Introduction
Introducing Will – your new teacher – and the concepts of this course.

He will be explaining the differences between mixing and mastering, give you a short overview of the upcoming modules and will give you a recommendation of monitoring gear like headphones, speakers and room acoustics.

02. The Mixer and its Channels
You will be given a detailed overview of FL Studio’s mixer (knowledge can be applied to any DAW).

In this module you will learn what each knob and function does, how you can use send, bus and master channel(s) and how you can perceive and measure loudness.

03. Compression and Limiting
Have you ever asked yourself how to properly use a compressor? And when to use limiting?

It’s not a problem anymore! Will explains all the basics you need to know about (multiband-) compression and limiting to master these difficult topics.

Also, you will get an overview of different plugins to help you choose the right one for you!

04. EQing
Everything you need to know about the frequency spectrum and how to manipulate it in one convenient place!

Learn the basics of the EQing process: Including a full overview of Fruity Parametric EQ2, the theory behing subtractive EQing versus Additive EQing, what the benefits of different filters are and how you can manipulate them to fit your needs.

05. Layering Techniques
Have you struggled with your instruments, drums and basslines feeling dull and lacking in energy?

You can fix this by layering different sounds to give your track more power! Find out how and when to layer sounds in this module.

06. Saturation and Distortion
A complete overview of saturation and distortion:

Will explains the basic principles of saturation and distortion and goes into detail about different plugins and when to use which technique to completely upgrade your sound!

07. Reverb and Delay
Have you ever wondered about how reverb and delay affect your music?

Find out how to fill out your sound in a controlled mannor while not washing out your sound! You will get a detailed overview of FL Studio’s reverb and delay plugins (knowledge can be applied to other plugins and other DAWs).

08. Panning and Stereo
Have your instruments ever gotten muddy? Maybe it’s because of the stereo spectrum!

Learn how to make your track sound full by utilizing the stereo field: Get a broad stereo image, learn how to properly analyze the stereo field and how to pan which instrument.

09. Side-Chaining
Make your next track even punchier by using proper side-chaining techniques!

Will explains the concept of side-chaining in detail and showing you different approaches in FL Studio to find out which one exactly fits your needs. In this module you will learn how to side-chain not only kick and bassdrum but also other instruments.

10. Mixing Techniques for Different Instruments
In this module you will learn the characteristics of different instrumets and what you have to keep in mind when mixing them.

Will goes into detail about drums and percussions, sub, bassline, lead and melody as well as vocals and sound effects.

11. Varying Techniques for Different Genres
You are not interested in EDM? No problem!

This lessons centers around different mixing techniques for different genres like Hip Hop, Lo-Fi, Downtempo and more.

12. Finalizing Your Mix
This module focuses on the included demo material! You will learn how to achieve a good sound quality with excercising materials.

With this course, you will get an FL Studio 20 project file as well as all unmixed STEMs so you can apply the techniques you learned inside this course. Will guides you step-by-step through the process: See how much you improved already!

13. Mastering Your Mix
In this lesson, you will learn how to master your mix.

You have spent so much time creating your track, completing it with effects and techniques – now is the time to make it shine with a proper master. Go through step-by-step with the provided unmastered and mastered track!

14. Testing Your Mix Against Reference Tracks
Here you will learn how to hear the difference between your mix and a mix that you want to achieve. Make use of reference tracks and use sound analysis tools to come closer to your desired perfect mix.

15. Top 5 Biggest Mixing & Mastering Mistakes
In this module you will learn how to properly fix and ultimatively avoid the five most common mixing and mastering mistakes.

16. Secret Mixing and Mastering Tricks
Here Will talks about some further mixing and mastering secrets and gives you an outlook what you might want to check out to advance in mixing and mastering even further! There is always room to grow.

Free Limited Bonus Sound Library! – Drum Hero Volume 3
Our popular Drum Hero series has reached part three, now even bigger and better featuring a total of 1,528 one-shots and loops created by two of our best sound designers with great care.

Expect tons of categorized snares and kicks, hi-hats, rides and cymbals, claps and toms. We included 30 awesome stem-separated drum loops for nearly every popular BPM, sharp-shifting funk break loops, hi-hat loops and rhythmic percussion loops for a quick workflow.

Like in volume two we also recorded some outstanding live drum instruments, this time a really fat sounding snare and a snare bourine for example. These recordings are perfect for creating your own snare that sounds like no one else. Layer these sounds, put some saturation and other effects on them and you get the thickest snare sound ever!

All files are 100% royalty free and can be used for commercial projects. The pack contains pure .wav files, which can be used with every software.

Meet Your Teacher!
Will Thoma – certified audio engineer, and a valued member of the Ghosthack team. He started producing music when he was 14 and from that point forward it totally consumed him!

Will has been our sound designer, music producer, and video creator for the past 4 years! During this time he created hundreds of tracks of various genres and spent thousands of hours making videos. He is also the host of many live streams for our community.

For the Ghosthack team there is no better teacher, which is why we are excited to announce that he is the host of our Ultimate Mixing and Mastering Course!

Already over 31,400 producers are learning music production with Will on our Youtube channel. Join them today for this in-depth lesson on Mixing and Mastering from Beginner to Pro in only 16 modules!

Learn Mixing And Mastering Like A Pro Today – For Bedroom Producers: No Fancy Equipment Needed!
– Learn All The Pro Techniques in 16 Easy-to-Follow Modules
– Conquer Mixing and Mastering in 6.5 Hours of HQ Video Material
– Master The Art of Creating Balanced Music on Any Device
– Includes FL Studio 20 Project and STEMs to Practice Your Skills
– Multi Genre Compatible & Suitable for Every DAW

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