| 0.96 GB

当涉及到我们发布的声音时,我们会尽可能地使我们的声音和方法多样化。 尽管我们创作了许多不同的流派(摇滚、电子、trap、boom-bap、电影等),但我们的驾驶室将永远是复古灵魂音乐。 我们的最新版本“Soul Ceremony”是这一事实的一个简单明了的例子。 “Soul Ceremony”包含 10 首复古风格的乐曲(可提供 Stems 格式!),所有乐曲均使用现场乐器演奏。 这个样本包包含从流畅的慢节奏民谣到乐观和深情的洗牌的所有内容。 Soul Ceremony 今天在 Soul Surplus 商店有售!

Soul Ceremony 被认为是 Soul Surplus 的倒数第二部杰作,仅次于经久不衰的热门包 The Cookout。


We try as hard as we can to diversify our sound and approach when it comes to the sounds we release. Although we have created in many different genres (rock, electronic, trap, boom-bap, cinematic, and more), our wheelhouse will always be vintage soul music. Our newest release, “Soul Ceremony” is a straightforward, no-filler example of this fact. “Soul Ceremony” features 10 compositions (stems format available!) of retro style grooves all played with live instrumentation. This sample pack has everything from smooth downtempo ballads to upbeat and soulful shuffles. Soul Ceremony is available at the Soul Surplus store today!

Soul Ceremony is regarded as the penultimate masterpiece of Soul Surplus, second only to the enduring hit pack The Cookout.

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