Fine Release by OJ  | 0.94 GB

去年,Smythe 为我们所有人带来了 Roady Composition Packs,第 1 卷和第 2 卷。它迅速成为大众的最爱,并且一直延续到今天。我们很高兴推出 Roady Pack 系列的第三部分,它比以往任何时候都更好。 Roady Pack Volume 3 是一个低保真风格的样本包,但混合了清晰感。 Roady 作为这个新包中的明星乐器闪耀着光芒,Smythe 对前 2 卷进行了改进。新包包括 10 个乐曲,stem 包增加了超过 900mb 的单独乐器,为您的创作提供最大的灵活性。每一个作品都被掌握以带来丰富的色彩和深度,并推动带来可听见的压缩。安排保持得更简单一点,以便在您的 DAW 中进行更多的切割和拉伸。不要错过!立即将 Roady 第 3 卷添加到您的图书馆!


Last year, Smythe blessed us all with the Roady Composition Packs, volume 1 and 2. It quickly become a crowd favorite, and continues to be even today. We’re pleased to present the 3rd installment in the Roady Pack series, and it’s even better than ever. Roady Pack Volume 3 is a lo-fi infused sample pack, but mixed with a sense of clarity. The Roady shines bright as the star instrument in this new pack, with Smythe making improvements from the first 2 volumes. The new pack includes 10 compositions, with the stems package adding over 900mb of individual instrumentation for maximum flexibility in your creations. Each composition was mastered to bring a copious amount of color and depth, and pushed to bring out the audible compression. Arrangements were kept a little more simple to allow for more chopping and stretching in your DAW. Don’t miss out! Add Roady Volume 3 to your library today!


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