FANTASTiC | 01 March 2022 | 954 MB

Organic Loops 展示了 Cinematic Bassoon,一个精心录制和处理的巴松管部分的计算集合,旨在以最高效率为您的作品带来一流和辉煌。提供 100% 免版税,您将可以访问令人惊叹的巴松管录音,丰富的谐波能量可以放在您的音轨上!

如果您觉得巴松管短缺,Organic Loops 的电影巴松管拥有超过 1 GB 的内容供您使用,是您唯一需要的收藏。它可以在任何管弦乐或音乐环境中和谐地工作,这意味着它将与其他 Organic Loops 声音完美匹配。包含的循环有各种键、节奏、情绪和风格,以确保令人印象深刻和多样化的应用程序。

循环在 70-120bpm 之间跳动,使这个系列非常适合管弦乐、电影、慢节奏、嘻哈、放松等,以及在音频后期制作和媒体环境中运作良好。

具体来说,预计会找到 1.16 GB 的内容,所有音频都以 24 位和 44.1 kHz 录制。 360 个循环被分解为 Amin 中的 77 个巴松管循环、C 中的 59 个巴松管循环、Emin 中的 58 个巴松管循环、G 中的 57 个巴松管循环、Bmin 中的 56 个巴松管循环和 Dmin 中的 53 个巴松管循环。还包括 360 Rex2 文件。

•1.16 GB
•24Bit 44.1KHZ
•77 巴松管 Lps 在阿明
•C大调巴松管LPs 59
•Emin 中的 58 巴松管 Lps
•G大调巴松管LPs 57
•56 巴松管 Lps in Bmin
•53 巴松管 Lps 在 Dmin
• 360 个 Rex2 文件


Organic Loops presents Cinematic Bassoon, a calculated collection of beautifully recorded and processed bassoon sections designed solely to bring class and splendour to your productions with maximum efficiency. Delivered 100% royalty free, you’ll have access to stunning bassoon recordings, rich in harmonic energy to lay down on your tracks!

With well over 1 GB of content at your disposal, Organic Loops’ Cinematic Bassoon is the only collection you’ll need if you’re feeling a shortage of bassoon. It will work harmoniously in any orchestral or musical context, meaning it will match up wonderfully with other Organic Loops sounds. The included loops come in a variety of keys, tempos, moods and styles to ensure an impressive and diverse number of applications.

Loops pulsate between 70-120bpm, making this collection perfect for orchestral, cinematic, downtempo, hip-hop, chillout and more, as well as working well in audio post-production and media contexts.

In detail, expect to find 1.16 GB of content, with all audio recorded at 24Bit & 44.1 kHz. 360 loops are broken down as 77 bassoon loops in Amin, 59 bassoon loops in C, 58 bassoon loops in Emin, 57 bassoon loops in G, 56 bassoon loops in Bmin and 53 bassoon loops in Dmin. Also included are 360 Rex2 files.

•1.16 GB
•24Bit 44.1KHZ
•77 Bassoon Lps in Amin
•59 Bassoon Lps in C
•58 Bassoon Lps in Emin
•57 Bassoon Lps in G
•56 Bassoon Lps in Bmin
•53 Bassoon Lps in Dmin
•360 Rex2 Files

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