WAV / MIDI| 827 MB

我们非常自豪地向您展示我们的“终极 Psytrance”样品包。

该样品包由 Somnia 生产。领先的新兴精神兴奋剂生产商之一。在像 Tomorrowland 等无数次的俱乐部和音乐节露面之后,他终于有时间将他独特的样本库收集起来。花了他一年的时间来录制和创造新的声音。

我们已经对样本包进行了多次修订,以确保您只会获得一流的鼓舞人心的声音。没有任何循环和样本只是为了填充样本包的大小。对于那里的每个 psytrance 制作人来说,它都是一个完美的必备工具包。

相信我,它是您从 DAW 中直接获取那些爆炸迷幻音轨所需的唯一样本包。

“终极 Psytrance”是 100% 免版税的,涵盖所有风格的“Psytrance”作品,包括:

• 干湿两用的大型咒语歌声。

• 在三个psytrance 子流派中提供了惊人的bassline 循环:progressive、full-on 和EDM-ish psy。

• 各种贝司单音音色的每个音符都作为单独的声音导出。这样,当您将贝司拖入采样器时,您就可以完全控制它。

• 你会被数百个鼓的单次击打和循环所震撼。舞池就绪的底鼓、军鼓、铙钹、镲片、带有电影循环的打击乐和补声,将为您奠定良好的律动基础。

• Big FX 和用于构建的标志性触发FX 将为您提供出色的氛围填充物。

• 大量的合成器循环选择,例如酸循环、EDM 合成器循环、完整的 arps、故障合成器填充、现场乐器、psy 序列、谈话序列和 zaps,非常出色!

• 使用合成器单发将其翻倍,并创建令人心旷神怡的曲目!

• 我们还为您提供了一堆 MIDI 文件,以便更好地了解该流派的旋律结构。

样品包大小为 1.4 Gb,包含:

27 人声循环
9 个 EDM-Psy 低音循环
10 个完整的 Psy 低音循环
10 个渐进式 Psy 低音循环
10 个酸合成回路
14 个 EDM 合成器循环
8 个完整的 Arps
25 个故障合成器填充
5 个现场乐器循环
10 个 Psytrance 序列
33 个 Songstarter 循环
25 个合成器单发
10 鼓填充
11 个电影鼓循环
25 个完整的鼓循环
25 个帽子环
22 踢拍环
20 打击乐循环
10 个大圈套
20 个圈套
15 封闭式帽子
6 崩溃
10 下降噪音影响
80 踢球者
18 踢
10 顶开帽
20 打击乐
10 影响
10 次激光爆炸
10 噪音
9 长上升
10 次中等上升
7 次扫描
10 触发效果

样本以 44.100kHz 24 位 WAV 以各种 bpm 录制:138、140、142 和 145。


We are very proud to present you with our ‘Ultimate Psytrance’ sample pack.

This sample pack was produced by Somnia. One of the leading, emerging psytrance producers. After countless club and festival appearances like Tomorrowland, he finally had time to get his unique sample library together. Taking him one year to record and create fresh new sounds.

We’ve gone through numerous sample pack revisions to make sure that you’ll only get top-notch inspiring sounds. None of the loops and samples are there just to fill in the size of a sample pack. It’s a perfect essential toolkit for every psytrance producer out there.

Take my word, it’s the only sample pack you need to get those blasting psychedelic tracks straight out of your DAW.

‘Ultimate Psytrance’ is 100% royalty-free and covers all styles of ‘Psytrance’ productions and includes:

• Massive mantra vocals both dry and wet.

• Amazing bassline loops provided in three psytrance sub-genres: progressive, full-on, and EDM-ish psy.

• Each note of the various bass one-shot timbres was exported as a separate sound. This way you’ll have total control over the bass when you drag it into a sampler.

• You’ll be blown away by hundreds of drum one-shots and loops. Dancefloor-ready kicks, snares, cymbals, hats, percussions with cinematic loops and fills that will serve you as a great foundation to the groove.

• Big FX and signature triggered-FX for build-ups will serve you great atmosphere fillers.

• A Massive selection of synth loops such as acid loops, EDM synth loops, full-on arps, glitch synth fills, live instruments, psy sequences, talking sequences, and zaps is outstanding!

• Double it with synth one-shots and create mind-melting tracks!

• We’ve also covered you with a bunch of midi files to get a better understanding of the melodic structure of this genre.

Sample pack size is 1.4 Gb containing:

27 Vocal Loops
9 EDM-Psy Bass Loops
10 Full-On Psy Bass Loops
10 Progressive Psy Bass Loops
134 Bass One-Shots
10 Acid Synth Loops
14 EDM Synth Loops
8 Full-On Arps
25 Glitch Synth Fills
5 Live Instrument Loops
10 Psytrance Sequences
33 Songstarter Loops
10 Talking Sequences
25 Synth One-Shots
10 Drum Fills
11 Cinematic Drum Loops
25 Full Drum Loops
25 Hat Loops
22 Kick Clap Loops
20 Percussion Loop
10 Big Snares
20 Snares
15 Closed Hats
6 Crashes
10 Drop Noise Impacts
80 KickMakers
18 Kicks
10 Open Hats
20 Percussions
10 Atmospheres
10 Impacts
10 Laser Blasts
10 Noises
9 Long Rises
10 Medium Rises
7 Sweeps
10 Trigger FX

Samples are recorded at 44.100kHz 24-bit WAV in various bpm: 138, 140, 142, and 145.

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