Fine release by OJ  | 921 MB | 27 Feb 2022


在那些众所周知的作品的另一面,通常有一个更悠闲的轨道,也称为“B-Side”。尽管这首歌没有像单曲那样受到大力推广或推动,但 B-Side 有一种方式成为世界各地音乐爱好者的“特别”曲目。

在我们最新的作曲包“B-Sides”中,我们深入挖掘了 B-Side 唱片的悠闲氛围。让你想踢你的脚,拿起雪茄和千斤顶的五分之一的组合。最新包中包含 10 个全新的作曲包,对于 comp 和 stem 组合包,您将可以访问 800 多兆字节的每个乐器。这个包非常适合夏天结束,我们相信你会喜欢它的每一分钟。立即将“B 面”添加到您的图书馆!

有一些我想分享的其他包,但我丢失了登录信息。无论如何,你们可能都不想要它们。它只是 Disco Drops,Undisputed Music 的一个包和 2Deep 的完整 Flavor 版本。我认为与其浪费时间再次尝试查找下载链接,不如发布更多需求和高质量的内容。享受。 – 橙汁


Over the course of music history, radio singles have always received the lions share of the attention from casual music fans when it comes to full length albums. Those A-Sides are usually bright and fast paced, and become seared into our brains forever.

On the flip side of those well known compositions, usually sits a more laid back track(s), also known as the “B-Side”. Even though this track isn’t promoted or pushed as heavily as the single, the B-Side has a way of becoming the “special” track to music lovers everywhere.

In our latest composition pack, “B-Sides”, we dig deep into the laid back vibe of the B-Side record. Comps that will make you want to kick your feet up, grab a cigar, and a 5th of jack. Included in the latest pack are 10 brand new composition packs, and for the comp and stems combo pack, you’ll have access to 800+ megabytes of each individual instrument. This pack is perfect for the end of summer, and we believe you’ll love every minute of it. Add “B-Sides” to your library today!

Had some other packs I wanted to share but I lost my logins. Y’all probably wouldn’t want them anyway. It was just Disco Drops, a pack from Undisputed Music and the complete Flavor edition from 2Deep. I figured instead of wasting time trying to find download links again I’d just post something more in demand and high quality. Enjoy. – OJ


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