DEUCES | 24 February 2022 | 639 MB

如果 Drake、Justin Bieber 和 The Weeknd 有一个爱音乐的孩子,你就会拥有 XO Drew。声乐和抒情的感觉来自于 VOX 与制作公司“Purple Sounds”合作推出的新兴嘻哈艺术家。他心痛的低吟和民谣完美的旋律为悲伤男孩的 Instagram 字幕奠定了完美的基调。

您会发现这个人声样本包配备了跨 3 个不同键和 BPM 的抒情钩子,具有干湿处理风格,具有多功能性。音高循环、双语短语和西班牙语和英语口语。滴入声乐 FX、喊叫、炒作和影响,适合 alt RnB 纹理和 Hip-Hop 节拍。

XO Drew 是那种罕见的歌曲创作宝石出版商和音乐制作人垂涎三尺。伟大的音乐艺术的关键是伟大的歌曲创作,这已经不是什么秘密了,XO Drew 肯定会在他的领域走向超级巨星。凭借不断在业界引起轰动的目录,您不会想错过他的首张人声专辑。


If Drake, Justin Bieber, and The Weeknd had a musical love child you’d have XO Drew. The vocal and lyrical sensation is from a new class of up-and-coming Hip-Hop artists that VOX is proud to present in collaboration with production house ‘Purple Sounds’. His heartache croons and ballad perfect flows set the tone perfectly for sad boy Instagram captions.

You’ll find this vocal sample pack kitted out with lyrical hooks across 3 different keys and BPMs in both wet and dry processing styles for versatility. Pitched loops, Bilingual phrases, and spoken word in Spanish and English language. Dripped in vocal FX, shouts, hype, and impacts ripe for alt RnB textures and Hip-Hop beats.

XO Drew is the kind of rare songwriting gem publishers and music producers salivate over. It’s no secret that the key to great musical art is great songwriting and XO Drew is certainly headed toward superstardom in his field. With a catalog that continues to create a big buzz in the industry, you won’t want to miss out on his debut collection of vocal sounds.


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