DEUCES | 24 February 2022 | 528 MB

与 VOX 合作,Purple Sounds 自豪地展示了 Agina 令人惊叹的首个声乐样本包。

Agina 用 RnB 钩子、柔滑的即兴演奏、英语和西班牙语单词和短语祝福我们,为 VOX 舞台带来了她自己独特的印记。与 Demi Lovato、Sinead Harnett 的音调相似,以及她与年轻的 Mariah Carey 相提并论的音域,Agina 的明星品质在于她的声乐能够赞美从流行音乐、RnB 到摇滚的多种音乐流派。

作为墨西哥/美国人和洛杉矶人,Agina 出生并成长在一个音乐世家。作为一位已经取得成就的艺术家,Agina 拥有一系列制作和唱片合约,曾在纽约的 Apollo 剧院和迈阿密的 Sabado Gigante 进行现场表演,并在与 Ruthless Records 签约后在美国巡回演出,演奏她的热门单曲“Somos Mar Y Arena”。

她的歌曲曾出现在多个真人秀和电视节目中,例如 Showtime 和 MTV。 2014 年,她代表 Ricky Martin 团队参加了音乐剧 La Voz Mexico 的决赛,后者后来邀请她与他一起游览墨西哥。

深入了解 Purple Sounds 和 Agina 的这个电子人声合集,打造您的下一个热门歌曲。


In collaboration with VOX, Purple Sounds proudly present the amazing debut vocal sample pack from Agina.

Blessing us with hit making RnB hooks, silky adlibs, both English and Spanish words and phrases, Agina brings her own unique stamp to the VOX stage. With tonal similarities to that of Demi Lovato, Sinead Harnett, and a vocal range that has had her compared with a young Mariah Carey, Agina’s star quality lies in her vocal ability to compliment multiple genres of music from Pop, RnB to Rock.

As a Mexican/American and a native of Los Angeles, Agina was born and raised in a musical family. As an already accomplished artist, Agina has a string of production and record deals under her belt, has performed live at the Apollo Theatre in New York and Sabado Gigante in Miami, and has toured around the US after signing a deal with Ruthless Records, playing her hit single ‘Somos Mar Y Arena’.

Her songs have been featured in several reality and TV shows such as Showtime and MTV. In 2014 she was a finalist on the musical show La Voz Mexico representing team Ricky Martin, who later invited her to tour Mexico together with him.

Dig into this electric vocal collection from Purple Sounds and Agina to make your next hit.


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