DEUCES | 24 February 2022 | 768 MB

Breaking Sound 专门展示来自世界各地最炙手可热的新兴艺术家。弥合从未知到已知、未签名到已签名的差距。我们很高兴能与 VOX 合作,将我们最喜欢的一些表演汇集在一起​​,创建独家声乐包。我们的第二包已经到来,其中包含唯一的 Luke Burr。

卢克出生在伦敦东部,通过听父亲的旧灵魂唱片找到了对音乐的热爱。他受到史蒂夫·汪达 (Stevie Wonder) 和唐尼·海瑟薇 (Donny Hathaway) 等人的启发,后来痴迷于观看酷玩乐队和贾斯汀·汀布莱克等艺术家的现场表演。

卢克曾与一些知名的行业知名人士一起工作和巡回演出,这帮助他建立了他独特且具有吸引力的标志性声音。他一直是与 Rudimental 等艺术家一起巡演的歌手,并在他的个人唱片以及与 Full Crate、Unknown Brain 等艺术家的合作中积累了数百万的流量。

这个包在一系列节奏和流派中展示了他独特、深情的歌声,模仿了伦敦灵魂的新时代。 Luke Burr 的 Adlibs、chops pad 和声码器将使您的项目更上一层楼。与制作人 Joshi Sagar 合作创作。


Breaking Sound specializes in showcasing the hottest emerging artists from around the world. Bridging the gap from unknown to known, unsigned to signed. We are excited to bring together some of our favorite acts in collaboration with VOX, creating exclusive vocal packs. Our 2nd pack has arrived featuring the one and only Luke Burr.

Born just east of London, Luke found his love for music through listening to his father’s old soul records. He was inspired by the likes of Stevie Wonder and Donny Hathaway and later became obsessed with watching live performances of artists such as Coldplay and Justin Timberlake.

Luke has worked and toured with some huge industry names which have helped him establish his unique and spell-binding signature sound. He’s been a vocalist on tour with artists such as Rudimental and has amassed millions of streams on his solo records as well as his collaborations with artists such as Full Crate, Unknown Brain, and more.

Showcasing his unique, soulful vocals across a range of tempos and genres, this pack emulates a new age of London soul. Luke Burr’s Adlibs, chops pads & vocoders will take your project to the next level. Created in collaboration with producer, Joshi Sagar.

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