FANTASTiC | 25 February 2022 | 2.2 GB

Future House 以其独特的现代风格在 House 音乐中突破界限,因此我们决定发布 60 首最具纪念意义的 Future House Drops。期待找到一个坚韧不拔的驱动节拍、美妙的低音线、超级酷的 fx 构建、吸引人的合成器线和会让你大吃一惊的 drop。这个 Future House 包中的每一个 Drop 都令人印象深刻,贝斯线和合成器循环被推到了最大程度,提供了一些身临其境的前卫 Drop。

Zenhiser 的 Future House Drops 将 House 边界推向多个方向,这意味着我们已经涵盖了从 Future House 更深的一面到更合成器重的 drop 的所有内容。您可以确保在这个 Future House 包中找到您真正需要的东西,每一滴都由具有多种节拍变化的声音分开,单独的 fx 构建、贝斯线和合成器线加上所有重要的 Full Drop,所以您确切地知道自己拥有什么得到。凭借 3GB 的 Future House 循环,这个 Zenhiser 包充满了适合您最新曲目的节拍、贝斯线、合成器和效果器。

此样本包适用于​​多种类型,包括 House、Deep House、Bass House、Progressive House 和 EDM。 “Future House Drops”是一个非常令人上瘾的包,具有全面的声音,所以如果您正在寻找以 Zenhiser 的 100% 顶级品质制作并完成的 Future House Loop 的非凡集合,那么今天就抓住这个包。我们将满足您对未来之家的瘾!


Future House is pushing boundaries with it’s unique modern spin on House music, so we decided to release 60 of the most monumental Future House Drops. Expect to find a gritty driving beats, subtastic basslines, uber cool fx build ups, catchy synth lines and drops that will blow your mind. Every Drop within this Future House pack is truly impressive, the basslines and synth loops have been pushed to their maximum delivering some immersive edgy drops.

Future House Drops from Zenhiser pushes House boundaries in multiple directions meaning we’ve covered everything from the deeper side of Future House through to the more synth heavy drops. You can be sure to find exactly what you need in this Future House pack, every drop is separated by sound with multiple beat variations, separate fx build ups, basslines and synth lines plus the all important Full Drop so you know exactly what you’ve got. With 3GB of Future House loops this Zenhiser pack is jammed full of the right beats, basslines, synths and fx for your latest tracks.

This sample pack is suitable for a multitude of genres including House, Deep House, Bass House, Progressive House and EDM. “Future House Drops” is a very addictive pack with a comprehensive sound so if you’re looking for an extraordinary collection of Future House loops crafted in Zenhiser’s 100% top end quality and finish then grab this pack today. We will feed your Future House addiction!


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